☆ Chapter 46 Settling in the Imperial Capital

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Rong Huan and Rong Le took their two children to visit the teacher living area of ​​Imperial University. The buildings inside were full of a strong sense of history and humanity. The gray tiles, red bricks and autumn leaves felt like a simple picture scroll. Quiet and beautiful.

"It's so beautiful, it's just a bit worse than ours." Rong Wan looked left and right, her little head kept turning and turning, she saw her eyes bright, and she commented on it, but that The little adult-like expression coupled with the immature voice makes others feel funny no matter what.

When Rong Wan said this, he happened to walk to the door of a house, and was overheard by the old professor who went out to take out the garbage, and couldn't help but feel happy. It's also a coincidence that this old professor is the former dean of Rong Huan and his college. Whether he is doing academic or giving lectures, he is top-notch. Although he has retired, he still often communicates with students in the department. Children with excellent grades and hard work admire it, so they recognize Rong Huan as soon as they see it.

Rong Huan hurriedly greeted the old professor, and then reached out to grab the garbage bag in the old professor's hand. This behavior made the old professor even more satisfied. It could be seen that Rong Huan's action was completely subconscious, and he should be so sensible on weekdays. How could he not praise him.

"Hello, Grandpa!" Rong Wan and Xiao Ba held hands and greeted the old professor obediently. The cute and cute appearance deepened the smile on the old professor's face. Rong Le's greeting did not cause him too much attention.

"Hello, hello! What's the name of the little girl?" The old professor asked Rong Wan with a smile.

"My name is Rong Wan, the weather is late and it's autumn night!" Rong Wan generously introduced herself.

"Yes, yes, I can recite poems!" The old professor stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of Rongwan's hair, repeatedly praised. "You just said that this place is not as beautiful as your home, so what is your home like, can you tell grandpa?"

"My house is beautiful. There are three rows of large tiled houses and a very large yard. The walls are covered with roses. They are beautiful when they bloom. There are also grape racks. My grandfather likes to sit down and drink tea!" Rong When she was speaking late, she still had gestures, and her white and tender fingers stretched out in a gesture of three. "There are so many vegetables in our yard. I own a piece of land. The vegetables I grow are the most delicious!"

The old professor can calmly feel her love for home in her straightforward and childish words, and the scene she portrays is full of pastoral atmosphere, which is exactly what he likes the most. He usually stays at home with his wife. Planting vegetables and flowers around the house is a great fun.

"Then you would welcome me to visit your house?" the old professor said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, my meal is also super delicious!" Rong Wan nodded hurriedly, like a chicken pecking at rice. She respects these old professors who have devoted most of her life to scientific research and education, and of course she has a little bit of selfishness. She wants to help her elder brother gain more favorability from the old professors.

The old professor's wife disappeared when she saw that her old man went out to take out the garbage. She glared at the old professor, and said with a smile, "How can I let the children stand and talk outside! Come in, come in and sit down. I just made a cake. Come and try it."

Rong Huan was still a little cautious, thinking about how to decline it. But at this time, Rong Wan made a noise. It wasn't that she wanted to go or was going to leave. She couldn't help but belch twice, so that everyone's eyes were instantly focused on her, making her face embarrassed. Blushing, she quickly covered her face with her little hand, feeling very embarrassed.

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