☆Chapter 32 Earn money together

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"Dad is bad! Frighten Xiao Qi!" Rong Wan stretched out her little hand to pinch Dad Rong's face, and tugged hard. Her brows were furrowed, teardrops still hung on her curled black eyelashes, and her small face was wrinkled.

"Yes, it's all Dad's fault if Dad is bad! Xiao Qi doesn't cry, Dad will take you to buy candied haws!" Dad Rong allowed Rong Wan to pull his face and leaned forward, for fear that his daughter would be uncomfortable.

The large hawthorn was cut open from the middle to remove the seeds, sandwiched with sweet bean paste, and covered with a thin and uniform layer of rock candy with a translucent color. Take a bite, the crunchy layer of rock candy and the sweet and sour mountain red The taste is perfectly blended together, and you can eat the red bean paste covered with rock sugar with one bite. The crunchy sweetness to the sandy sweetness can't be better.

"It's delicious!" Rong Wan took a few sips, and after a while he squeezed his cheeks so that his eyes were narrowed, and then he tapped his mouth to enjoy the crisp and sweet taste. But she ate one and refused to eat any more. Pointing to the remaining chubby Shanlihong, she said, "Give it to grandpa, grandma, aunt, second aunt, mother, and brothers! And uncle, Second uncle and father, we also want one for each!"

Rong Wan shook his fingers and counted the people who wanted to eat candied haws, then sighed and said disappointedly, "What should I do? Candied haws are not enough!"

"Dad buy a few more bunches, Xiao Qi don't have to worry!" Dad Rong said hurriedly. Not to mention that now he is not short of money to buy a few bunches of candied haws, even if he is short of money, he can't bear to disappoint the baby girl!

"It's not a problem for us to buy ten or eight skewers. Your father is reluctant to buy it. Uncle Rong will buy it!" Uncle Rong and Uncle Rong expressed the same meaning. The key is not money, but Rong Wan's love for them, which is really rare for such a small child! How can such a sensible and filial child be so rare!

Dad Rong and the others bought a dozen candied haws home, and everyone had a share. Originally, Grandpa Rong and Grandma Rong still said that Rong Wan's father was wasting money. When they knew that Rong Wan had specially asked them to buy it for the family, they laughed like a flower in an instant. They praised that Rong Wan was caring and sensible. It was not a second at all. The face looked stern in front of the clock.

That night, Rong Wan had a nightmare. In her dream, she was abducted. She ran and ran, trying to find her way home, but she couldn't find it. She couldn't see her grandparents. Without her parents and brothers, that desperate mood almost broke her.

And Rong Wan didn't know that her crying and hot body frightened the family, and almost the whole family moved out and took her to Lao Lin. Grandpa Rong had never been so scared in his life. He didn't dare to think of that in case, and prayed in his heart that his dear granddaughter would be safe. Grandma Rong almost fell to the ground as she took the first step out of the room, but fortunately, her daughter-in-law and grandson supported her.

"Little Qi, wake up, Dad will take you to your Grandpa Lin's place!" Dad Rong was confused by the fear of Rong Wan, and while carrying her all the way, he didn't forget to talk to Rong Wan.

When he arrived at Lao Lin's house, both him and Aunt Lin were taken aback by the battle, and they thought what was wrong with the child. After asking about Rong Wan's situation, he took out the thermometer and put it in his armpit.

It's almost 40°, no wonder it's like this. But fortunately, the anti-fever injection that Lao Lin gave was useful, and Yong Wan's body temperature still dropped.

And at this time, Rong Wan was already feeling vaguely, she heard the voices of her parents and grandparents talking, they were calling her name, but she didn't have any strength, and she couldn't open her eyes.

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