☆ Chapter 52

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After Qi Lian knew about this, he wanted to come to the imperial capital to study even later. If he studied in the imperial capital, his schoolwork would be easier, and the teacher's level would be high. But this matter is not for his half-year-old child to decide. Rong Wan cannot come to the Imperial Capital alone to study elementary school, and Rong Dad and Rong Ma can not say that they can let go of things in Taoyuan Village. The most important thing is that both Grandpa Rong and Grandma Rong have spent almost their entire lives in Taoyuan Village. It's okay to occasionally live in the Imperial Capital for a while. They don't want to leave their hometown to settle in the Imperial Capital.

Rong Wan also knows that the education that Qudi can receive is definitely dozens of times better than in Taoyuan Village. She does not need to be tired from heavy homework every day. She can even have a lot of time to learn some talents, but these benefits are right. Rong Wan said it wasn't that attractive, and being with his family was more important than anything else.

Although this matter cannot be done for the time being, Grandpa Rong and Grandma Rong have also spoken out. When Rongwan takes the exam for God's Metropolitan University, if they are still strong, they will take care of them.

So Qi Lian stopped persuading Rong Wan to come to the Imperial Capital to attend elementary school earlier. His current goal is to help Rong Wan succeed in jumping. When he came to Taoyuan Village on vacation, he brought all the textbooks from grade 4 to grade 6 to Rong Wan and told her a part every day. He has a good control of the time, and will not be tired to stay late or bore her, and the result is naturally gratifying. She learns new knowledge very quickly, and she never forgets it easily.

Xiao Yu, who knew about Rong Wan's study progress, was deeply stimulated. When she went out and had fun, Rong Wan had already read the fourth grade books, and when she was doing the final exam papers for the next semester of the fourth grade of her school, she also got high. point.

No, I have to study hard too! Otherwise, what will she do when Xiao Qidu starts to study the sixth grade course, she can't afford to lose this person!

Xiao Yu's enthusiasm for learning is unprecedentedly high, which makes Xiao Yu's parents very happy. After knowing the reason, Xiao Yu's parents will be fired from time to time, saying where Xiao Qi has learned, and if Xiao Yu is about to catch up with her sister, Xiao Yu has always been fighting spirit. It's not as hot as before for three days.

But Leizi is the one who suffers this way. Every time Xiaoyu asks him a question but he doesn't know the answer, he will be despised and despised by the whole family.

Day by day, driven by the Rong family, the anti-season fruits and vegetables in Taoyuan Village have formed a relatively large scale. Many families in the village have built new houses, and the days have passed the better.

The Rong's family now not only grows vegetables and strawberries, they also buy vegetables and fruits at a cheaper price than the villagers go to the city to sell them, but it saves the villagers the effort of running on their own, so if they find it troublesome, they just put them in baskets and sell them directly. It's Rong Wan's home.

Rong Wan's family then hires people to sort and pack these vegetables and fruits, and send them to the Imperial City supermarket chain or a large vegetable market. The price will definitely go up a lot. The Rong family is very real, and never mixed with bad or shoddy things in it. The reputation is very good. Many businesses are willing to cooperate with the Rong family.

Uncle Rong has been running in the imperial capital in the past few years, and he has gained a lot of knowledge. He plans to buy a canning factory near the village and introduce two advanced production lines, not only making canned fruits, but also making Rong's strawberry jam. Produce and then promote it out. But this is just an idea, there is still a lot to do.

Grandpa Rong and Grandma Rong are still so strong, and they are much younger than the villagers of the same age.

Stride like flying. They had a comfortable life, their families were harmonious, and the sons and grandchildren were also up for their spirits. Besides, they could eat the fruits and vegetables in the space every day, so it was strange that their bones were not strong.

But filial piety is also not good for children and grandchildren. They are too attentive to be served, and they panic in their idleness. They always feel that their old arms and legs will be abolished if they stay any longer. They feel that what they still have is strength and want to do something.

Dad Rong and the others couldn't hold back the two elders. They wanted to find an easy job for the two of them, but they hadn't waited for the three of their brothers to discuss a result. Grandpa Rong and Grandma Rong had made a decision, and they decided to Open a commissary.

Anyway, Dad Rong and the others have to drive to the city or the imperial capital frequently, so buying goods is definitely not a hassle. And Grandma Rong didn't plan to open a simple commissary, she also wanted to pick up the business of selling flatbread and stew.

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