Part 2: The Key - Chapter 1

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The young god woke up just as someone knocked on his door. He couldn't tell when he'd fallen asleep or how he ended up sleeping at his desk but he couldn't have been asleep for long since he hadn't woken up from any nightmares yet. Looks like I was more tired than I thought. Or was it boredom that led me to sleep? Shaking himself awake, he opened the door to see his Uncle's headless head servant.

"Oh, hi! Is it time?" he asked drowsily, vaguely recalling why he was waiting in his room.

The servant gave a polite smile and bowed. "Yes, sir. My Lord awaits you in the study."

"I see." The young god yawned and tried to rub sleep off his eyes. He already knew the way to the study, having been there every time he visited his Uncle's realm, but it was customary for the headless servant to escort him whenever he was summoned by his Uncle. He didn't really mind as he found the accommodating servant's presence quite comforting and reassuring. "Sorry. Can you wait a bit while I freshen up?"

"Very well, sir. Would you like some assistance?"

"No, thanks." The young god stretched as he made his way to the bathroom. "This won't take long," he called out just as he entered the bathroom.

He came out of the bathroom a few minutes later wiping his face dry with a towel to find that the headless servant had tidied up his room. He always tries to keep his room in his Uncle's palace neat but it somehow always ends up messy a few minutes after he occupies it. His Uncle's servants seemed used to any kind of mess he might conjure and he's impressed at how little time it takes for them to put things back in order.

"Are you ready, sir?" the servant inquired as he took the used towel from the young god's hand.

"Ah, yes. I suppose so." The young god frowned. He didn't want to proceed with his assigned task but he couldn't really defy an order, especially one given by an Elder. That he couldn't clearly remember what had happened earlier isn't helping his mood either. "I'm not forgetting anything, am I? Was I supposed to bring something or prepare something?"

"No, sir. Only your presence is required."

Nothing for it then. I guess I can't delay this any further. "Right. Lead the way then," the young god sighed reluctantly.

The young god walked in thoughtful silence with the headless head servant through the grand halls of the palace. The palace was as magnificent as its owner and there was a time when he'd excitedly ask the servant about every room they passed, but he had been to the palace hundreds or thousands of times already and the marvels of the palace became less remarkable over the years.

His Uncle's numerous servants were an ever-present sight as they went to and fro in their various tasks. The young god usually asks the servant about how things fared in the realm as a means of small talk in their walks but a different question occupied his mind at the moment. They were halfway through a corridor when the young god paused hesitantly. "Say, uhh, could I ask you something? Or a few somethings?"

"Certainly, sir." The servant nodded. "What seems to be bothering you?"

The young god hesitated, not sure if he's stepping out of line with what he's about to ask. "Umm, well... Will you answer me honestly?"

"Of course, sir. I will never lie to you," the servant answered readily and waited for the real question.

"Then... do you... perhaps know of Uncle's... plans?" the young god said, gesturing wildly as he tried to come up with words to describe what he didn't know.

"I know most of my Lord's plans, though he tends to deal with a lot of things at any moment." The servant tilted his non-existing head. "Is there anything specific in your mind, sir?"

"I-- It's--" The young god stopped himself from speaking any further. He frowned and bit his lip as he considered the servant before him. The servant had always accommodated his curiosity and patiently answered all of his questions before but he's questioning the servant's master this time, not something innocuous like the matters of the palace.

The headless servant was still waiting for him and he didn't want to leave things hanging awkwardly, so he set his jaw and continued despite his uncertainty, "Well... It just feels like he's hiding something from me. Like he's guiding me into something but won't tell me where and why. Has he told you anything about this?"

"He has, sir. But I cannot tell you any more than this."

"I see. Yes." The young god sheepishly chuckled. "Your loyalty is to your master after all. I understand." He didn't intend to put the servant in a difficult position and chided himself for it.

"I'm sorry I cannot be of help, sir." The servant bowed apologetically. "I'd tell you more if I could."

The young god put his hands up and shook his head. "No, no. It's alright. I understand," he said hastily, not wanting the servant to think that he was dissatisfied with his services. "You are bound to your duties. I do appreciate your honesty."

The headless servant smiled his thanks and gestured at the direction of the study. "Shall we keep going then, sir?"

"Yes. Thank you, Vincent."

"You're welcome, sir."

The young god and the headless head servant eventually stopped outside the familiar door that leads into the study. The servant bid the young god well before retreating to attend to other matters. The young god paused before the door as he tried to recall what had happened earlier right before the meeting ended.

What did happen after I was told to rest and wait for someone to fetch me? I vaguely recall hearing Uncle say that the meeting had ended but I couldn't think straight and I don't even know how I got into my room afterwards. Did my siblings leave the room immediately or did they linger a bit to gloat? I think someone touched me at some point and I jumped. Who was it? I was just so angry at everyone and everything back then that I almost shouted at him. Him? Was it one of my brothers? But they wouldn't have tolerated my aggression and would've beaten me up. I don't have any cuts or bruises on me so it couldn't have been them which means... Oh. I have to apologize. Crap. Will I be okay? I hope he doesn't send me to some weird place again.

Deciding to just get things over with as quickly as possible, the young god opened the door to the study and immediately said, "Uncle, I'm sorry! I wasn't myself earlier. I don't know what came over me and I apologize for my actions. I was too rash and--"

An awkward silence dropped in the room as his Uncle stared at him. He nervously fidgeted with his clothes as he searched for his voice again.

"A-And, umm, I-I will accept any punishments for my rude actions earlier," he mumbled a few moments later, looking at everything but his Uncle.

The ancient Lord crossed the room powerfully and placed a heavy hand on the young god's shoulder. "Child," he began in a serious tone.

The young god flinched. "Y-Yes, Sire?" He did his best to stay standing as he trembled in fear.

The ancient Lord suddenly broke into a playful laughter. "Sorry, my boy. I just couldn't help it. You looked so serious when you came in."

What? "U-Uncle?" The perplexed young god stared at his strange Uncle. Did he just pull a prank on me when I was seriously trying to apologize?

"Yes, yes. Your reaction before you left the meeting room earlier surprised me but I understand that dealing with your siblings is always highly stressful and unpleasant for you and that the final topic didn't help with that. There's no need to apologize," his Uncle said amenably, clapping the young god's shoulder.

"I just feel terrible for acting that way towards you. You've always treated me fairly," the young god replied warily, unsure how to really react. Well, more or less fairly, depending on your whims, that is.

"Ah, let it go, child. You have not offended me." The older god gestured to a table at the center of the room. "Let's get started, hm?"

Well, I guess he already got payback with that prank. I was about to beg on my knees and cry then. I probably would've soiled my pants if he'd continued. The stupefied young god nodded mutely at his Uncle, who gave him a sly glance and a wink. I can never tell what goes on in this old god's mind.

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