Part 3: The Princess - Chapter 3

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He knew it was her private room the moment she opened the door. Her scent was on everything and it hit him hard, sending his mind and heart in a flurry again. She entered without hesitation. He stopped at the doorway.

"Well? Aren't you going to enter?" she asked him when she noticed that he'd stopped.

No. I shouldn't. I should retreat for now. I've already done too much today. "I-I can't." He took a step back. "I should probably go." He tried to turn away to leave but his body won't obey him and he stood rooted on the spot.

"You're always like this." Irritation crept into her voice again. "Always so indecisive. It's why people keep stepping on you and stringing you along."

Don't. Don't say anything anymore. Don't remind me of what I have to do. Don't make me stay any longer. "I'm sorry," he mumbled as he tried and failed to force his body to move away from her.

She glared indignantly at him. "Is that all? Are you going to just leave me hanging after what you've already started?"

Move, legs. Move! I need to get away from here. "It was an accident. I didn't mean to," he said, trying not to look at her.

"Didn't mean to? Then why did you follow me here? Don't tell me you don't know again."

That's it. Just get angry at me. Call someone to take me away. Anyone would do. I wouldn't resist. Just turn me away. Tell me to leave. Tell me you don't want me. As long as it keeps you safe from me. "I don't. I just did it on instinct. I was wrong. I shouldn't have." It hurt to have to tell her these but his body still refused to cooperate with him and he must force her to make a move against him. He had to try even though he had never succeeded before since she always saw through him.

"Then why are you still here? Why haven't you left yet?"

Damn it! Don't make this any more difficult for both of us! Just have me detained or thrown out of this place already. "Because you keep talking to me! What do you want me to do? Just turn around and leave while you're still talking? We've both been raised the same way. You know how much they instilled manners in our little minds back then and what happens if we don't obey. You think I can just drop this just like that?"

"We both know that's just a flimsy excuse. You've always wanted to rebel. You never really took the lessons to heart. It's just your indecisiveness keeping you in place, making people think you're absolutely docile when you're really just torn between wanting to please them and wanting to go after their throats. You're so stubborn and frustrating!"

She took a step towards him. He tried to take another step back but she was faster and managed to grab his shirt. This time, it was her who pulled him close and planted her lips on his. He squirmed to get away from her but she kept her grip on his shirt, preventing him from getting away. It reminded him of how their first kiss went, which weakened his resolve. Slowly, he gave in to her and found himself getting dragged through the door.

She closed the door behind him and let go of him afterwards. "Well?" she asked him.

"Well what?" he asked back, still dazed from the kiss.

She sighed in frustration and irritation. He stood passively, not sure what to do. "You're so hopeless," she muttered as she slipped off her dress and everything underneath. "I wouldn't have been with you in the first place if you weren't so cute."

His body reacted immediately at the sight of her naked body. He hadn't seen her in a long time but she was still as perfect and beautiful as he remembered her to be. His hand reached out to touch her at his heart's insistent urging while his mind was distracted by different past versions of the same vision before him. A distant sound of footsteps outside the door brought him back to the present and reminded him of his mission, making him pull his hand away from her again.

"What now?" she huffed. "We've already gone this far. Why are you still holding back?"

He started talking before he even realized that he did. "I-I can't. I shouldn't. They want me to--" He stopped himself, horrified at what he almost said.

"They want you to what? You think I don't know why they sent you? Just how naive can you still be?"

He didn't answer. He couldn't answer her so he turned his face away from her accusing stare.

She placed her hands on his cheeks and turned his face towards her. "What do you intend to do?" she asked gently.

"I don't know. I don't want to do what they want but I can't disobey them," he confessed after hesitating for a long time.

"Then what do you want?"

He placed his hands on top of hers. His heart pounded, trying to break free from his chest again. He lifted one of her hands and locked his fingers with her. He gazed at their hands for a while before turning back to her. "This. I want us. Together. Again."

"Then let's just forget about them. They're not here. They can't touch us right now," she told him and kissed his hand.

He didn't protest when she took off his hat. It wasn't his favorite one and even if it was, she was always allowed to touch it. He didn't really care when she took off his shirt. She had ripped apart a few of them in the past and none of them really mattered. She didn't touch his belt and glasses. She knew what they meant to him but he would have permitted her if she asked.

She waited for him but he didn't move. "You're always like this," she sighed, placing her arms on his shoulders to embrace him and pressing her body against him. "You always want someone to take your hand and lead you into something you really want. You won't just take it even if it's offered to you."

Lightning coursed through his body when their bodies touched, her bare skin touching his. His breath caught in his lungs and there was little space left in his mind for thoughts other than that bodies still complemented and fit each other perfectly after all these years. Her heart was beating in the same way as his, pulsing at the same time his own did. It was right. It was perfect. It was the only place he felt he truly belonged. He felt complete with her, and it was really tempting to just forget about everything and just stay close to her forever. But the mission he was given clashed with what his mind, body, heart and soul wanted. He stood still, fighting the urge to move either way, out of fear that it would be a mistake. Only the fact that he didn't try to run away this time betrayed how he truly felt.

She pulled back and reached out to touch him. She still knew where and how. They had done this dance so many times before and he knew that he was going to succumb eventually but he stubbornly held back a gasp when her hands trailed from his shoulders down to his sides. It was almost too much when her hands went around to his stomach and up to his chest. He never knew how her eyes always managed to find his own behind his glasses, though she always preferred seeing them without it. He closed his eyes to avoid getting drawn in by the same heat and fire in her eyes that he had seen many times before, but it only made him feel her touches even more and he chose to endure both her searing touch and burning gaze. He trembled and almost pleaded with her when her fingers stoked the fire within him near his heart but he didn't know if it was to make her stop or continue.

He was almost afraid when she pressed against him again but the way she messed up his hair while nibbling on his lips was almost soothing in its familiarity. He bit his lip to stop himself from making a sound when she moved sideways to his ear and then slowly made her way downwards, lower and lower on his body. He was breathing hard by the time she went back to his lips and was unable to stop himself from following her and letting her in his mouth.

She sang her sweet song to lure him in as she slowly guided his hands on the usual path they took down her body, making all the delicious sounds he loved to hear every time his fingers brush against her soft skin. Her scent, her sound, her hot breaths on his skin, the way she was looking at him, the faces she made as she used his hands to touch her, and the feel of her skin under his fingers was driving him crazy but he had always been far too stubborn to yield so soon.

The fragile walls he had erected around himself were completely shattered by a high-pitched moan escaping from her lips when his fingers arrived between her thighs and she used them on herself. He reversed their position, pinning her against the door like she did with him. He got rid of the rest of his clothes and devoured her like he had not eaten for years.

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