Part 2: The Key - Chapter 6

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The young undead god woke back to life with a gasp. He wheezed for a few moments, filling his empty lungs with air again. Hey! I'm alive again! His nerves tingled as his senses came back to him, carrying with them various pains and discomforts. Ugh. I'm alive again. My head hurts. He waited for the headache, dizziness and nausea to subside before looking around to see where he was. Ah. I'm back in my room.

Having regained control of his muscles, he sat up, stretched and examined himself, finding himself clean with not a spot of blood left on anything. Looks like Uncle was right about them being good at dealing with bloodstains. They even changed me into my bed clothes. Wait. Not wanting to dwell any longer in this last observation, he got out of bed and changed his clothes.

Not really sure what to do and feeling too famished and lethargic to go outside his room, he sprawled at his chair by his desk and called for a servant to bring him some food.

Soon enough, a servant came in pushing a serving cart accompanied by the ancient Lord himself. Surprised, the young god sat up and fumbled an awkward greeting to the older god. "Uncle! Hi! Umm... I wasn't-- I mean, you didn't have to come all the way here to-- Uhh... I just woke up."

The servant quickly set the food on the desk while the young god grappled with his thoughts and words, and exited the room right afterwards, leaving the two gods alone.

The ancient Lord's face was a mixture of worry, wonder and amusement. "How are you, my boy? Are you alright now? Eat up."

Without waiting for another prompt, the young god gorged on the food in front of him, too hungry to care about manners in front of his host. "Oh. Eh. I'm, ah, fine. Just hungry," he said cheerfully in between bites. "Usual stuff after coming back to life."

"I see." The ancient Lord blinked, looking a little perplexed. "It does look like you're back to your usual self."

The young god gave a noncommittal shrug as he shoveled food into his mouth. "So, how long was I out?"

"A couple of days, give or take a few hours."

"I see," the young god mumbled, a little lost in his thoughts. Two days? Not bad. I thought I'd be out for a week. He broke into a grin and then chuckled, feeling very pleased with himself.

The ancient Lord stared at the young god. "Are you able to continue or would you like to take a rest for today?"

"I'm okay. I can keep going." Even though I'd really rather not anymore.

"Very well then, child." The ancient Lord took the dagger out of his pocket and looked at the young god hesitantly before continuing, "Here's the Key again. I'll call on you later when I am free so you can continue where you left off."

The young god nodded as his Uncle placed the dagger on the table in front of him. "Okay. See you later, Uncle." He waved enthusiastically as the older god left before going back to his food with much more enthusiasm.

The young god was summoned by the ancient Lord late at night. He had mostly slept and ate for the most part of the day as his body continued to adjust and recover its strength. The Key tried to get into his mind multiple times but it failed to find purchase despite his somewhat addled state. I'm definitely getting used to this.

Arriving at the same room he had used two days ago, a wave of fear and apprehension suddenly washed over him. Ah. I guess this is going to be a new nightmare then. Forcing himself to step inside, he walked towards the ancient Lord. "Uncle, I am here."

"Good, child. Are you sure you are alright now?" the ancient Lord asked, searching the young god's face.

"Yes-- No-- I--" the young god replied haltingly, fighting the trauma and fear of his last death. He took a deep breath and a few moments to calm himself. Gritting his teeth, he nodded and said, "Let's just get this over with."

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