Part 2: The Key - Interlude 3

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A few minutes later...

"He did what?"

"Funny, people tend to react that way towards me."

"I just find it hard to believe he just did that. No one has done that."

"Hm, yes. I did say he's exceptional."

"You're not pulling my leg, are you?"

"Oh, yes. Sure. Will your head suddenly pop up if I actually pull your legs? Shouldn't I be pulling one of your fingers for that trick?"

"Very funny. Are you done?"

"Not really. I can keep going. I wonder what other tricks I can make you do."

"Aren't you just charming?"

"I am, aren't I? You're just as surly as usual."

"I see you're back to being insufferable again, Master."

"Really now? You really should learn new tricks. Shall I teach you some?"

"I've already received more than enough of your lectures when I was still new here."

"Your loss then. There's still plenty of things to know."

"You're really annoying when you're pleased with yourself. You just love rubbing everyone's noses in the fact that you know things no else does."

"Well, I do know a lot of things. I'm older than any of you. And how would I do that to you? You don't have a nose."

"I'm really tempted to make something up and report you to the council for it."

"Do you need help with that? I could use a break from everything. A permanent one, if it's not too much to ask."

"Nevermind. The boy. He really did that, right? He really talked to it?"

"Yes, he did. I saw it. It was purely by chance. He was just messing around when it happened."

"How is that possible? Even you can't do that."

"I'm not sure either. All I know is, that particular Key likes him and is attached to him now. It doesn't want to be apart from him."

"Isn't that convenient? You were planning to let him keep it in the first place."

"Indeed. It fits in perfectly with the plan even if it went in an unexpected direction."

"Are you planning to send him out soon then?"

"Yes. He might try to delay it so it's best to send him out as soon as possible to give him time to decide and come to terms with it."

"What do you think is going to happen to him afterwards?"

"I don't know. I can't tell anymore. He went in a direction I did not see."

"Then what are you planning to do now that your plan has unraveled?"

"Who said it's unraveled? The plan is still intact. It's just the details that have changed. I'll keep going."

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