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"Wow! That was actually really cool! How did you do that?" Jimin had just body rolled up from the floor without using his hands. He continued to impress me with his core strength and agility. It was our seventh session together and the others had already left, but he and I stayed behind to keep practicing.

"It's easier than it looks. I'll show you how to do it if you'll show me how to do that shoulder pop thing you did." I nodded in agreement.

He moved close to me as he explained, "You just tighten your core and then rely on your thighs to carry the main weight load while you let your body roll up. See?"

He placed one hand on my lower back and one just below my belly button. I gulped at the warmth of his touch, praying that the evidence of his affect on me wasn't obvious. He supported my body as he guided me through the move.

When he stepped away to let me try it on my own, disappointment washed through me as his hands slid from me. I successfully followed his instructions and surprised myself by easily performing the body roll.

"See! You're a natural!" His joy at my triumph forced my lips to tug into a wide smile.

"I had a good teacher." Jimin's cheeks tinged pink at my compliment.

He stared into my eyes a moment longer before shaking his head and pointing at me. "Now show me that one thing you did and teach me how to do it! That was the deal, right!"

"Right," I replied, moving to stand a little closer than necessary behind him. His breathing hitched slightly, making my heart soar. Being a little touchier than I needed to be, I slid my hands from his arms to his shoulders, gripping them gently. I felt him shiver slightly beneath my hands.

"So for this, it's really all about quick movements and sudden stops." I swiftly jerked his shoulders to one direction as he smoothly followed the movement, then stopped abruptly.

"I think I understand," he nodded as I reluctantly removed my grip on him. He slid through the pop motion easily, once again astounding me at how quickly he learned.

"You did it first try! It was so clean! Most people look a little messy when they first try to pop like that, but you made it look easy!" I clapped for him as he glanced to his shoes, embarrassed.

"Guess I have a good teacher too," he smiled up at me, his eyes curving into half-moons.

Uh oh, I thought as my heart pounded against my rib cage. His eyes are so beautiful...I'm in so much trouble.


My heart raced as Jungkook clapped for me a moment too long. His gaze felt too intense. It almost burned me, but I loved the feeling. Why is he looking at me like that? I couldn't pretend I didn't enjoy it. I never wanted him to stop looking at me like that. I bit my lip and glanced back at my feet. I could still feel him watching me.

"Should we call it a night?" I asked just to break free from that powerful gaze.

"Definitely. I'm starving," he huffed, rubbing his stomach.

We began packing up our bags to leave. Our eyes met as we slung them over our shoulders. "You can come eat with me if you'd like," he offered.

I nodded, not quite ready to part ways with him just yet. "Yeah, okay."

He flashed me that bunny grin I was becoming so fond of. "Great! Let's go!"

I didn't think I would ever stop laughing. Jungkook's impressions of the members of our dance crews were spot on and completely hilarious. How did I never know how funny he was? I pinched his arm softly and begged him to stop so I could catch my breath. That bunny grin was plastered to his face, his eyes never straying from me for a second.

He served himself more noodles and pork from the food on the table between us, beaming with pride. "I like your laugh."

"Well apparently you make me laugh a lot, so it's good that you like it, I guess," I gasped for air, regaining control of my wheezing breath. I wiped tears from my eyes as I observed his beautiful face. So symmetrical. So angular. It really was a flawless face. "Thank you for that. I haven't laughed like that in a long time."

"Good," he smiled tenderly, "You're so much different than I expected you to be before I met you."

"What did you expect?" I asked warily.

"Well, I kind of expected you to be an arrogant dick," he replied with an apologetic smirk.

I laughed again. "I expected the same from you. When I first met you, I was convinced I was right, but you've grown on me." My eyes snapped to him as I realized my mistake.

"I have?" he asked tentatively.

I nodded sheepishly. "Yeah. You're not who I thought you were either in a really, really good way."

He smiled shyly. "You've grown on me too."

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