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It wasn't even a kiss! Why did I spend three days thinking about it nonstop. I replayed the moments over and over again in my mind, often imagining a different ending. We didn't even kiss and I was already bordering on dangerous territory. How would I be acting right now if we had kissed?

I toyed with the strap of my gym bag. Instead of going inside the practice room, I was standing just outside like an idiot. Jungkook and I hadn't spoken in the three days since our twelfth practice and I was avoiding going into the thirteenth. Why was I so afraid to see him? Nothing even happened!

"What are you doing?" I nearly jumped out of my skin. I knew that voice and I knew I could avoid it no longer.

"Nothing," I said, "Just thinking about something before we get started."

Jungkook stepped close to me, his tone silky and deep. "What were you thinking about?"

"N-nothing," I lied. I felt like a broken record, but how could I tell him I'd spent every moment, waking or not, thinking about how his lips would feel?

"I wasn't thinking about nothing." He took another step into my space. The scent of him, the heat of his body. It hit me like a truck on the highway and I began to get dizzy.

"Oh?" I managed to choke out. He was suffocating me with his presence.

"I was thinking about—" He was interrupted by the door to the practice room opening.

Hobi opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it, eyeballing the two of us standing so close together with suspicion. "We're ready to get started. We've been waiting for you guys," he said with narrowed eyes.

"Okay. Coming," I replied quickly and darted inside.

Our rehearsal flew by in a blur. I was constantly missing steps or performing my moves sloppily. It was very unlike me and by now both crews were aware of that. They watched me with varying degrees of shock and concern. I couldn't help it though...I was so distracted.  He was so distracting.

Jungkook seemed to be the only one who didn't seem concerned over my mistakes. Instead, each time he noticed me making them, he'd smirk to himself and flash me a provocative glance. My heart pounded in my chest each time I caught those bedroom eyes on me. I was in so much trouble. Was it bad that I didn't want to get out of it?


Jimin looked like a new dancer during practice. I could tell I was distracting him and I loved that I could make him react that way. I intentionally provoked him with seductive gazes and a few extra sexy moves that I hoped would drive him as wild as he drove me.

He tried to hurriedly pack his bag and leave before everyone else, but he'd gotten so flustered earlier that his belongings were scattered everywhere. The rest of the dancers left long before he did and I took my time with my bag to wait on him. Now it was just him and me. Alone. Again.

I strode to his side. He didn't look up at me, but I could feel his nervous energy as I sat my bag next to his. I'd spent three days thinking about what an idiot I was for not kissing him at our last rehearsal on the roof. Especially since we'd both been shirtless. So many impure thoughts and dreams had come from that almost. I was determined that this time, it wouldn't be almost at all.

"Jimin," I dropped my voice a few octaves as I coiled my fingers around his wrists, stopping his hasty packing.

He froze, but still wouldn't look at me. I released his wrists to cup his cheeks. In one fluid movement, I pinned him to the wall and crushed my lips to his. He squeaked in surprise before melting into my kiss, his arms wrapping around my neck. His fingers tangled themselves in my hair and I groaned.

I flicked my tongue across his lips, begging him to deepen the kiss. He parted his lips, yielding himself to me. My hands roamed over his small, but hard body. His gasps for air and soft moans were intoxicating. Kissing Park Jimin was like nothing I'd ever felt before. I couldn't get enough.

When we finally broke free, I rested my forehead against his. Our breathing was ragged and the desire was palpable between us. He continued to stroke my hair. I never wanted this moment to end.

"I knew it!" We released each other and swiftly moved away to seek out the source of the intruder.

"I knew it!"

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