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Sweat dripped from Jungkook's chin and I'll be damned if I didn't almost lick it off him. I couldn't deny that the man was a walking Greek god. The heat in the practice room had been broken and was jammed at 90 degrees. We had started sweating so much that we'd all opted to dance shirtless, which has never been a problem for me before now.

Am I gay? Yes. Do I have self-control? Also yes. But when I saw Jungkook...that was, apparently, another matter. I felt that carefully controlled wall crumbling as he ran a hand down his slick chest and abs during yet another body roll. I mean...how many did he plan on including in this dance?

My only solace came from the fact that he appeared to be just as distracted by my shirtless physique as I was by his. More than once I caught him stumbling in the choreography when I moved in front of him or discovered him staring at me unblinking for minutes on end. It made butterflies flutter in my stomach every single time.

I shook my head, coming back into the present moment. It was our eleventh practice session and we were starting to make some headway on a routine.

"Let's take a break. A little longer this time? Maybe 20 minutes? I need to drink some water and get out of this stuffy room." I recommended.

Everyone agreed and either collapsed to the floor or picked up bottles of water, scattering to who knows where for their allotted time. Jungkook plucked the water bottle next to mine up and jerked his head toward the door, motioning for me to follow. We didn't bother putting our shirts back on because it was still so damned hot.

Jungkook pressed the button to call the elevator instead of heading for the door. "Where are you going?"

He smiled. "Roof. Want to come?"

I shrugged. "Sure. Why not?"

In the elevator he looked me up and down out of the corner of his eye. I noticed it though and hid my smirk. I did a poor job of hiding myself checking him out as well and spotted the half-smile that played across his lips.

"The city is beautiful up here isn't it? It'll be dusk soon and the lights will come on. Everything will look so peaceful and quiet. Calm. Like it isn't even real. I like when there's no one out in the city. Feels like a movie set." Jungkook's voice had a dreamy quality to it as he surveyed the sprawling cityscape.

Something about how open he was in the moment moved me. I was so touched that he'd speak so candidly.

"It is pretty," I agreed.

Jungkook mumbled something under his breath, but I couldn't make it out. I wanted to ask what he said, but something kept me from it. With one last hungry gaze over his half naked body, I forced myself to turn back to the view below us.

"Thank you for joining me," he said quietly.

"Thank you for asking me to," I replied.


I suppose I could be labeled as horny or thirsty as I'd spent the entire practice session thus far staring obscenely and unabashedly at Jimin's sweat-soaked, mostly exposed body. As he stood next to me on the roof, though, so close I could feel the heat from his skin, I would've called myself something else entirely. I don't know if I'd have called myself curious or adoring, but I found myself wanting more than just his bared flesh.

Jimin sighed and sank down on the railing, leaning on his elbows. I battled with myself to avoid pulling him into my chest. In the end, my sensibility won out and I propped myself up next to him.

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