Black Swan

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I was nervous.  Nervous, but excited.  I knew we'd worked so hard for this and I knew we'd kill it.  I thought back to the day six months ago when, without my knowing it, I met the man of my dreams.  The love of my life had walked into our practice studio looking as irritable about this merging as I was.  Now here we were, half a year later, dating for months and moments away from performing the routine we'd spent endless hours perfecting with our dance crews.  Everything we'd been through and experienced together had never felt more worth it. 

The performance itself wasn't at all what I was nervous about.  I knew there was no way it wouldn't go as precisely and flawlessly as we'd planned and practiced it.  No, what I was nervous about was the little secret performance I'd planned with the help of our members afterwards.  Would that part go as well as we'd planned it?


I couldn't have asked for a more perfect performance.  Every member hit their mark without hesitation.  Every movement was precise and exact.  I was so proud I could burst.  Jungkook looked equally as pleased, but seemed on edge.  It had me wondering what he didn't like about the performance, but I was so high from my own joy I didn't bother to ask.

A pair of meaty hands clapped and stole our attention.  Mr. Bang entered the holding room with a wide grin spread across his face.

"That was more than I ever could have hoped for, boys!" He exclaimed as he congratulated each of us with a pat on the shoulder.  "I'd like to discuss a possible continuation of this merger.  Perhaps a super group?  I already have a name picked out and everything!  Bangtan Sonyeondan!  BTS for short.  You guys were truly bulletproof out there!  I'm so impressed and so proud of all of you.  Of course, don't worry about this thought I had right now.  For tonight, just enjoy and celebrate your triumph!  You're all so talented!"

He gave us each another pat and offered personal congrats before leaving us alone to bask in the post-performance bliss.  The members of our crews seemed to have enjoyed themselves more than even I did, as they each sported a sly grin.  I wanted to question why they were so pleased when I was startled by a stage hand asking us all to return to the stage.

That wasn't typical of any previous performance I'd ever been a part of, but I shrugged it off without thinking too hard on it.  Maybe they wanted to give us a chance to hear the cheers of the fans one more time.  Couldn't hurt to take a moment to soak up all the love before delving back into the hard work that is dance.

The sight I was met with on the stage was not at all what I'd expected.  Within the fifteen minutes we'd spent inside the dressing room, the stage had been completely transformed.  Bright red roses lined the edges of the black platform that had been dusted in purple rose petals.  An archway of golden-yellow roses had been erected in the center.  A red carpet had been laid across the base of the archway.  Glittering spotlights focused solely on that carpet as if it were waiting to be the backdrop of some dramatic scene.

The members walked with me to the archway, but scooted away once I stood beneath it.  It was at that moment I realized I couldn't count Jungkook among their numbers anymore.  Where had my boyfriend gone?  Slightly distraught by his sudden disappearance, I searched the stage for him until my eyes found him making his way toward me in the most deliciously crafted suit.  It fit his body as if it were made for him, which it very well may have been.  The charcoal material set off every handsome feature in his perfectly symmetrical face.  He grinned wide as he joined me under the archway.

What on earth was he up to?  Jungkook took my hands in his, drawing in a shaky breath before he began speaking.

"Park Jimin.  When I first met you I thought you were a self-important, know-it-all, aggressive asshole," chuckles erupted from the shadowed audience and the members at the side of the stage, "I know you felt the same way about me, but I'm so glad we were both wrong.  The last six months have been the best of my entire life.  I can't imagine you not being a part of every single one of my days now.  I can hardly remember who I was without you.  You didn't complete me because I was a whole and happy person before I met you, but you did complement me in ways I never dreamed possible.  In ways I didn't even know I wanted.  Your personality, your dedication, your lifestyle, your skills, your beauty.  Everything was a perfect match.  It feels like fate.  It feels like...destiny.  Like I was always meant to find you. was always you, even when I didn't know it yet.  It will always be you."

My stomach twisted into knots as I stood in awe of his tender words.  Where was he going with this?  My hands began to tremble in response to his palms beginning to sweat in mine.

Jungkook took another deep breath before continuing on, "Jimin, I know we haven't been together as long as we maybe should have been for me to ask this, but it just feels right.  You feel right for me."

He dropped my hands and shifted to one knee as my breath caught in my throat.  He withdrew a tiny, velvety red box from inside his jacket pocket.  Opening it up, he presented it to me.  Inside was the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen.  It was silver and twisted in the front, speckled with small diamonds and carved designs on the thick, wide band.  It was exactly what I would have chosen for myself.

"Jungkook," I breathed, bringing my hands up to cover my gaping mouth.

"Park Jimin...will you do me the greatest honor and be my husband?  Will you...will you marry me?"

Tears dripped onto my cheeks as I beamed at my future husband, nodding like an idiot.  "Yes!  Of course!"

He bounded up, wide bunny grin permanently plastered on his handsome face, as he dragged me into a tight hug.  He kissed my cheeks, my forehead, my lips, my nose and nuzzled into my neck.  I couldn't imagine a more romantic moment.  He'd done all this for me.  He wanted me.  I was truly blessed to have met Jeon Jungkook.

"What did I do to deserve you?" I whispered into his soft hair.

"You existed," he answered into my jaw as he planted kisses up and down my neck.

"I love you, my sexy fiance," I teased.

"And I love you, my future husband."  Jungkook's eyes swam with tears of love and adoration as he stared at me.  "My forever."

Right there, in front of all our members and millions of viewers, audience members, and cameras, he kissed me.  It was filled with so much love and passion and hope for the future, our future, that I never wanted it to end.

What can I say?  It turned out that Jeon Jungkook was that good after all.


Well, there it is readers!  My conclusion to this story!  I hope you enjoyed and if you have any thoughts or ideas for future jikook stories from me, feel free to comment and let me know!  Until next tiiiiimmmmeeee! 

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