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"You're wrong!" Hobi screamed, echoing in the practice room.  He flung his hands up in frustration.  "She would never do that!"

"We traced her IP address as the original source of the trends and hashtags.  I know you don't want to believe it, but she is the one who started it, Hoseok," Mr. Bang spoke kindly, but firmly as he laid out the facts to the angry Hobi.

I couldn't believe Ji-woo, my best friend's sister, would have intentionally tried to hurt Jimin the way she had.  All the hurtful cruel things people had said when he was still trending had started because of her.  Why?  Why would she do this?

Jimin was very quiet next to me, gently intertwining our fingers as he listened with his head bowed.  I knew those words were cycling through his mind again and I gave his hand a squeeze to comfort him.  Hobi glared at me.

"Jungkook, you know she wouldn't do this!  You've known her for years!  You're my best friend!  Please...please say something!" Hobi plead.

"Hobi-hyung...they traced it back to her.  I don't want to believe it either, but I can't ignore the fact that Mr. Bang has evidence against her.  I don't know why she would do this either.  And why only attack Jimin?  Is it because he's gay?  I'm gay too though, why not attack me as well?  It doesn't make any sense."

Hobi flinched, face falling as realization struck him.  "She...she's had a crush on you for a while, Jungkook.  It was just a childhood crush, though.  At least I thought it was.  But it does make sense that she wouldn't have said anything bad about you because she was convinced you would eventually have feelings for her too and would want to date her.  But...But surely she wouldn't have...She couldn't have..."

He trailed off and I felt my heart sink.  I really was blind to other people's feelings toward me.  First Jimin's true feelings, then Taehyung's, now Ji-woo's?  Why was I so oblivious to people having crushes on me?

Jimin leaned a little further into me.  I could practically feel his protective possessiveness.  He'd already had enough people trying to steal me away from him, but he had to know I was not capable of being stolen.  Right?

I pursed my lips, cupping his cheeks in my hands.  His eyes finally met mine, tears welling up in them and threatening to spill over.  This would not do.  I wouldn't let him question what I felt for him.  Ever.

"Jimin...I'm yours.  Completely and irreversibly yours.  No one can take me from you because I don't want to be taken by anyone but you.  You are mine and I am yours.  Okay?  Yes?"

He nodded, cheeks squishing adorably between my palms.  "Together, right?"

"Exactly.  Together.  Forever.  Because we're the same person.  We're meant to be, Jimin.  I am you and you are me.  I'm not giving you up.  I hope you won't give me up either."

Jimin's eyes curved into beautiful crescents as he grinned between my hands and shook his head.  "I won't."

"So...what do we do about my sister?" Hobi interrupted, looking defeated and miserable.  I could practically see his battle between protecting his sister and defending his best friend.  It gave me no pleasure whatsoever to discover the culprit knowing that it caused someone I cared so much about pain.

It was Jimin who answered.  "I don't want to charges or anything.  I don't want anything bad at all to happen to her.  I just want her to not do this again.  To maybe learn a lesson and be more respectful of other people."

"I have an idea of how we might do that if everyone involved agrees to it," Mr. Bang offered.  "Ji-woo could do community service for her summer break from school to make up for it.  It would help others out, teach her some valuable lessons about respect, and wouldn't be too harsh of a punishment.  It would, however, not allow her to have a free summer to enjoy.  Hoseok?"

Hobi turned to Jimin and me, eyes begging for it to be enough.  We both nodded, hoping that this would be good enough to show her that what she did was wrong without giving her an actual appropriate punishment.  She was so young and was still my best friend's sister.  I had still grown up with her.  I couldn't stomach seeing her get in too much trouble that might follow her around just because she'd had a crush on me.


I felt a little bit of closure in regards to the social media fiasco I'd had to deal with, but it didn't stop me from thinking that maybe there was some truth to what they'd said.  I mean...Ji-woo had started it, but she hadn't been the only one saying it.  I was still determined to work harder than ever to make sure I was good enough.  Thanks to Jungkook's constant interference and threats to follow my eating, sleeping, and practice habits, I had my work cut out for me.  I'd still find a way to make sure I was worthy, though.

"Come on, Jimin.  I'm taking you to eat...and then we'll get some dinner," Jungkook flirted with a wink.

I shook my head with a smirk.  "You're a very naughty boy, Kookie."

"And you're a very sexy boy that I can't resist, Jiminie."

Maybe Jungkook's interference wasn't so bad after all.


I was originally going to put a picture of Ji-woo, but decided against it.  For some reason I felt kinda icky about it.  You can google her if you like.  Can't really explain why I didn't want to, but I just felt like it was more respectful not to even though I used her as a plot device.  Still, it was just to break from the usual suspects in Jikook/Kookmin/Minkook fanfic, not to call her out for any reason.  Just a little twist to spice it up! 

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