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So far this "date" had been unbearable.  Not that I didn't like Tae!  I did!  It's just...Tae isn't Jimin.  It felt wrong to be out like this with anyone but him.

"I'm so glad you agreed to go out with me," Taehyung smiled brightly at me, but the only smile I wanted to see was Jimin's. I couldn't get the mixed expression of hurt, betrayal, and fear he'd left the practice room with out of my thoughts.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, of course. Well, I mean, it's just grabbing some food with a friend, right? It's no big deal," I chuckled humorlessly.

Tae's face fell, and he awkwardly offered a chuckle back. "Yeah, no big deal. For sure. I'm still really glad you agreed. I really wanted to get to know you more."

I pursed my lips. "Why?"

He raked a hand over the back of his neck, avoiding my eyes. "Well, we merged groups two months ago now, and you and I have never hung out before.  Also, I think you're kind of beautiful and I'd like to maybe spend more time with you in the future."

That's what I was afraid you'd say, I thought. "Oh. Well. I kind of have the hots for your friend. Like...big time. I can't seem to take my eyes off him. I may never look at anyone else ever again."

Taehyung looked crushed, gulping before timidly asking, "Which friend?"

I bit the inside of my cheek to avoid rolling my eyes. Which if he didn't know. As if I hadn't made it painfully obvious who I wanted. "Jimin."

Tae frowned, but nodded. "I thought so. You two seemed to have some kind of flirtation going on at times and you do stare at each other a lot."

I failed to hide my annoyance this time. "If you knew, then why did you ask? Better yet, if you knew I was into your friend then why did you ask me on this date? Isn't that a little bit of a dick move?"

Huffing, Tae defended himself. "I suspected, I didn't know! And I asked you out because I have a tiny little crush on you, which by the way, you're effectively getting rid of right now by being an ass. So, thank you for that. You and Jimin stare at each other, but you also fight like cats and dogs, so I didn't know what was really going on there! Jimin is my best friend. If he had any interest in you romantically, he'd have told me, which he hasn't. So, I'm not doing anything wrong in my book. If he likes you, he should have said something, but he didn't."

Tae's argument felt like a hot knife to my heart. Jimin hadn't once mentioned to his best friend about kissing me or any feelings or anything at all, it seemed. Ouch...


How long was this damned date going to last? I'd texted Tae to come to my apartment after the date to give me all the details. I'd promised wine and after-date snacks, since I knew he'd eat light. I wanted to pretend that it was to support my friend, but I knew it was just to see what happened.

My heart pounded in my chest as I paced the living room, tugging at my hair and cursing under my breath. I checked my phone for the hundredth time. Nothing. Still. They'd been on the date for hours now. It was already almost midnight. Still no Tae. Still no texts. Was Jungkook kissing Tae the way he'd kissed me?  Were they having sex?

Liquid hot fury burned in my stomach, spreading into my chest. Taehyung is beautiful. Jungkook is beautiful. They're on a date. Of course they're fucking. Why wouldn't they? What could I offer that Tae couldn't offer better? Jungkook wasn't tied to me in any way and he had the right to screw my best friend if he wanted to, I thought bitterly. So why did it hurt so badly to even consider it?

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