chapter three

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Rumour says, there's a new kid coming today.

Rumour also says he's a murderer.

Not very reliable rumours here, obviously.

At least part of it was true, there is a new kid here today. The exact same one that fought Bobby.

And he's sitting at my table. The table everyone avoids because no one wants their reputation ruined. The table I sit at most of the time, occasionally with some of the other losers of the school. I think he scared off the other losers today though.

He wore loose jeans that looked like they were actually ripped, not store bought. And I'm pretty sure those dark red spots are just paint. I think.

He's got this red shirt with a weird pattern on it and a worn out grey flannel. I wouldn't say he's ripped, but he's definitely got some nice muscles. His dark brown hair was a mess. He also had headphones in, and was tapping his foot to the beat. I wondered what he was listening to.

Let's just say, he's hot.

I took a deep breath and made myself walk over. When I came to a stop in front of him, he didn't even look up.

I cleared my throat, trying to think of what to say. "Umm . . . Hey."

He finally looked up from his food, not even taking out or pausing his music. his eyes looked bored and empty. "Hello?" he questioned.

I could feel the eyes on me from all over the cafeteria, but he didn't seem to even notice.

My eyes flickered to the floor and I tried again, "you probably shouldnt sit here if you like your reputation." my voice was quiet, I wasn't even sure he even heard it till he answered.

"I dont give a fuck about my reputation, and I'll sit where I want."

A small smile quirked my lips, but I quickly hid it and sat down. I decided to try and make conversation with him, the possibility of a new friend exciting me.

"Where did you move from?"

It was a moment before he looked up at me, "Toronto." he answered, his voice flat.

"Really?! What was it like there? Was there a whole bunch of traffic jams? Is there street food and street performers and cool museums? Have you been to the top of the CN tower?"

He sounded bitter, muttering as he mercilessly stabbed his cafeteria pizza with a fork and held it up to get a better look at it. "Not as great as you think, that's for sure."

I frowned, "why not?"

Now he looked at me, annoyed. "Thats none of your fucking buisness."

My hands went up in surrender, "Sorry, sorry . . . so then, why'd you move here?"

He just glared at me and didn't say anything. Damn, his glare was scary.

The rest of lunch we sat in silence, I didn't say anything because it seemed like anything I did say offended him or he didn't want to answer. By the time lunch was over, he'd barely eaten anything, and he hadn't bothered to pause or take out his music.

But I don't blame him, that food is disgusting. I always bring my own lunch. I do blame him for the music thing. Kinda rude, right? 

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