chapter 23

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I sprinted down the hallway to his room, and burst through the door, panting.

"Casey?" he sounded surprised as he said it, and I looked up to meet his eyes. He was laying in the hospital bed with that uncomfortable looking gown on and a fair amount of wires attached to him.

I hobbled over to the bed and tried to catch my breath.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

When I finally was able to breath well enough, I responded. "I only found out what happened today. I ditched school and biked here as fast as I could." I met his eyes still breathing a little heavy as I said, "look Miles, I know we broke up, but that doesnt mean I don't care about you"

His brow furrowed, "We broke up?"

"Did you get short term amnesia or something? Is that a thing? Yes, you broke up with me."

I could hear something in his voice, but I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was(FIX). It sounded possibly like desperation. "No I didn't! You just suddenly started ignoring me and when I tried to talk to you, you acted as if I wasn't even there!"

"What are you talking about? You're the one that texted me!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes! you did. I'll prove it to you." As I said this, I took out my phone, going to miles contact. I noticed my hands were slightly shaking. Not enough for someone else to notice I don't think, but still shaking. I scrolled way past all of the desperate responses I had sent, to the original text. Then I handed him my phone, and his brow furrowed once more. Then he scrolled down, probably reading my responses.

I took back my phone from his hand before he was done with it, stuffing it into my pocket. "See? You texted me."

He scoffed and said, "I did not. I don't even have . . ." he trailed off, his expression changing. Then he sat up sharply and tried to stand up, growling, "that bastard!"

I held him back from standing up, knowing he probably shouldn't do that. Then I pushed him back onto the bed gently, and asked him what the heck he was talking about.

He took a deep breath, and explained it all. He explained how his foster father had taken his phone, and how Miles figured out that he had texted me the message, purposefully ruining everything for us. He explained how he stole his medication, and he explained what the effects of that were. And then he explained, with some voice cracks and obvious desperation in his voice, about how I had just ignored him and he didn't know why. And he explained about how those jerky absolute assholes induced the seizure on purpose.

By the end of his explanation, I was crying. I jumped up, my knee on the bed as I lunged for him, hugging him tight.

"I'm so sorry, miles. Im so so sorry." my words were a little muffled by me burying my head in his shoulder. I hugged him tighter, and I cried.

I cried more than I'd like to admit, and after a moment of tenseness, miles hugged me back, just as tight.

Now I was sobbing into his shoulder, and I could've sworn I heard a sniffle or two from him. But I didn't point it out.

I hiccuped slightly before I sobbed, "I missed you so much, Miles."


They kept miles in the hospital for a little longer after that. And then they put him in an emergency home or something. Miles explained it as a temporary foster home that he would stay in for anywhere between a day or a week or two.

All the while they were investigating, because apparently they were able to tell that Miles hadn't had his meds for a while, and that's what triggered his seizure more than anything else. And they figured out that Fisher was homophobic, so they were trying to prove that thats why he took miles meds.

After a while, they moved Miles to another home, this one more permanent. They said if he was lucky, it could be his last home before he's allowed to move out on his own. Sadly, he was a fair distance away.

We texted tons, everyday. We also facetimed a lot. Today, we were face-timing again.

Miles was grinning, teasing me about the fact that I had fallen on my face earlier that day, and I now had a weird looking bruise on my face. He kept saying it looked like he gave me a hickey, and I kept blushing much more than I'd like.

He also teased me about how much I wore his sweater, which he let me have when he had to move away. It was a plain light yellow one. Yes I wore it as much as I could, but in my defence, it was really warm and comfy, and cute and . . . well, it was Miles'. Then his bedroom door opened.

From outside the frame, a girly voice spoke. I assumed it was his foster sister cause he told me that the family had one biological kid, but I hadn't met her yet.

"Who are you talking to?" She sounded younger than us, probably grade six or seven.

Miles answered with, "My boyfriend. Now get out."

The girl gasped and bounded into view. "How come I never knew you had a boyfriend? Let me see!"

"No." Miles said, he must've put his phone down face down cause the screen went black. "I never told you because I knew you'd pester me and him about it."

"Aww come onnn, miley!"

"Miley?" I asked, laughing. "Hey Miley, let me talk to your foster sister. You're being rude."

"No." he responded flatly.

There was suddenly a lot of noise, and I think the girl tackled him. I heard a muffled "hey!" and a couple, "ow!"s

And then the screen moved, and a blonde girl came into view.

"Hey! I'm Hailey! Who are you?"

"I'm Casey, Miles' boyfriend." I smiled and waved.

"Give that back!" Miles said from out of view.

The girl grinned and yelled over her shoulder as she ran away, "Nope!"

She ran into what I assume is her room, and leaned against the door to stop it from opening.

Then the girl jumped into a dozen questions, I caught a few like, "Where'd you meet him? Have you kissed?" and then one that made me go firetruck red, and burst out laughing at the same time. She asked it hushed, as if someone would come after her for it. "Have you done it? You know . . . slept together?"

She grunted as miles pushed on the door, but she managed to hold him back.

Inbetween my breathy laughs, I managed, to say "n-no we havent . . . havent done . . . that."

Her response sent me into another round of laughs, "yet?"

I coughed, nodding as I agreed, "yet."

"Where'd you meet him?" she repeated, deeming it the most important out of her whole bunch of questions.

"I met him when he was at his last home. He was at my school."

She opened her mouth to say more when Miles finally broke through and she stumbled forward.

He tackled her this time and snatched his phone out of her hand.

When he got back to his room, he grimaced, putting his hand through his hair, "sorry about her. She's really nosy."

"It's fine, I like her."

He sighed and changed the topic.

We talked some more, me complaining about homework and teachers I didn't like, and Miles telling me about some jerk who was being mean, and he beat up. Eventually I had to go eat dinner, promising him that I would text him when I was done.

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