XV. Percy

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"Wake up Seaweed Brain," a voice said.

"Sleepy," Percy muttered.



"Perseus Jackson. Wake. Up."


"Blue food."

Percy bolted up, almost knocking Annabeth off the cot. "I'm up!"

"There is no blue food."

"Joke's on you."

"On you Percy," Annabeth said, kissing his cheek. "I'm gonna go talk to Luke really quick."

"Hey Annabeth," Pandora said, leaning against the door frame. She was wearing extremely short black shorts and a tank top. There were bags under her eyes. "Percy, you look dead."

"I'm not dead though," he said.

"Touché," she replied. "We figured out some of the Prophecy."

"By 'we' who do you mean?" Annabeth asked.

"Piper, Jason, Will and me. And kinda Leo," Pandora replied. She rubbed her eyes. "They have bacon and... I don't know why but blue pancakes."

"JOKE'S ON YOU ANNABETH!" Percy exclaimed. "Sorry." He grinned. "Tell us the the parts of the Prophecy that you guys figured out."

As Percy was wilding down blue pancakes, Pandora read off the part that she had. "Miss the mark of everlasting blank and pain, Love is trapped by snow's own claim, The flower's kin will join death, And to rise or fall one will confess, Eleven now and of past will join together in power, Different, but joining until the final hour, Flame in sands will be conjured in times of bliss, The cursed child will have the final blank."

"Why are there blanks?" Luke asked.

"Parts of the Prophecy were burned," Annabeth replied. "But I see that we've figured out most of it."

"I was half asleep and ADHD isn't exactly the most helpful thing in the world," Pandora replied.

"True," Percy said.

"Percy!" a voice said. Percy saw Carter and who he thought was Sadie enter the room. "Can someone explain to me why there's snow on the pyramids?"

"It's weird," Said said. "Like-"

"A Greek goddess sprayed it with bird crud and snow?" Leo interrupted. "Yeah, we know."

"Khione," Hazel said. "Who is she?"

"Ah ah ah," Leo said. "Bad memories." Calypso glared at him. "One good memory?"

"You guys are the ones that need to find Aphrodite," Beckendorf said. "We, Luke, Bianca, Silena, Calypso and I can't help you."

"Why not?" Frank questioned.

"You should know," Jason said. "This is meant for us eleven: Piper, Pandora, Hazel, you, Percy, Annabeth, Sadie, Carter, Will, Leo, and me."

"We're kinda fortunate to have Carter and Sadie with us," Will said. "We'd be searching for days on end."

"Well someone acknowledges our importance," Sadie said.

"We need a plan for this," Annabeth said. "No doubt, there will be some type of riddle, considering the fact that this Aphrodite we're saving. And then there is Pandora's mom who needs saving."

"I'm the one who needs to save her," Pandora said.


"No. This is my mom. I'm saving my mom, and if I fall into a deep sleep, then that's my problem. And I promised Piper that I'd find Aphrodite."

"I think," Annabeth said. "We found your fatal flaw."


"You're unwilling to let someone... Take your place. You'll get the job done yourself and won't let anyone do it for you. Your independence will be fatal. You need to rely on someone once in awhile. Let one of us do it."

"No!" Pandora yelled, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm doing this! This is my mom! And if Khione says I'm the one falling asleep forever, I'm falling asleep forever." She stormed away.

Percy whistled. "Do you want me to go-"

"I'll go," Will interrupted.


They ate in silence for awhile. "Guys," Bianca said. "Hades told me about her family history."

"Why would Hades know?" Silena questioned.

"She's a distant relative. Like, I'm pretty sure we're eighth cousins or something like that."

"Tell us," Leo said.

"Well, after my mother died and Nico and I went to the Lotus Casino, the di Angelos broke apart, most of them women. We had a couple of relatives marry into the Sanderas, they fought and split again and then married into the Arredondos. Her dad moved to the Philippines, married Pandora's mom, died, then the gods offered Pandora to get mom."

"You," Annabeth said, "have quite the family history."

"Pandora does," Bianca corrected. She doesn't know how important she is if the gods allowed the reincarnation of Pandora, the first mortal women. She'll learn."

I'm beginning to think that all fandoms (or most) "Always" should be same. Same?


Okay that sounds stupid.

I am stupid... OH WELL.

How did I get to this topic? ADHD?


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