XVII. Percy

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"Wake up!" Percy yelled. If they had any water, he would've splashed it on Pandora.


After what she'd done, Percy was afraid. He now understood why she smelled like the earth. She could become the earth.

"Cracked rib," Will mumbled. "Just one. That's about it."

"I IM'ed Luke," Annabeth said. "He's coming with water bottles and bandages."

"Oh gods," Percy heard Luke say. "What happened.

"A hydra happened," Piper replied.

"A very angry hydra," Leo agreed. "A purple one. Not the best look for it. It would look better if it-"

"Here are the bottles and bandages," Luke said quickly. He turned to Percy and whispered, "After three weeks with Leo, I've gotten bored of his jokes."

Pandora mumbled something and bolted up. "Two of us are gonna die!" she screamed.

"How-" Annabeth started.

"Dream. Tomb. Khione. Aphrodite. Mom. Blah blah blah two of us are gonna die."

"Which two?" Hazel asked hesitantly.

"I don't know."

"It can't be Hazel," Frank said, wrapping his arm around her. "Not again."

"I've cheated death," Percy mumbled.

"It's ought to be me," Pandora said. "Endless sleep? Could mean death."

"Okay, please stop talking about how you're gonna be cursed," Annabeth said. "You are not dying."

"Oh, so we're gonna go through this whole conversation again," Pandora snapped.

"Girls-" Piper began.

"Save it Piper," she retorted. "You can't do anything about it either."

"Wait," Leo said. "What do you mean Pipes can't do anything about it."

"Charmspeak won't work," Piper muttered.

"Then I'll tell everyone to stop," Percy shouted. They stared at him. "Annabeth, Pandora's been having dreams. She knows what's happening. Pandora, we get it. We know about the fact that you might be cursed and- oh gods." He buried his face in his hands.

"Percy," Jason said. "You okay bro?" He nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry," Annabeth said. "You're right. We can't prevent fate."

"And while you guys were bickering," Sadie said.

"We figured out which part of the desert we're in," Carter finished. "The tomb is actually a couple hundred miles away. I also might've miscalculated there."

"Might've," Pandora said. "How many water bottles did you bring us?"

"Plenty," Luke replied. "I also might've stolen you some camels." He grinned.

"How do you steal camels?" Carter asked, astonished.

"I have my ways..."


"This," Hazel said sickly, "is like being on a boat." She was riding on Frank who had turned into a camel.

"It's not that bad," Will said. "Is it?"

"Not feeling too good," Pandora said.

"How do you travel then?" Piper questioned.

"Dramatin," Pandora muttered. "It's a pill. Really helps. The dirt gum taste better."

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