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I have 2 contests for you guys! :D 

1; Share! All you have to do is use any social website [Facebook. twitter, instagram, wattpad, tumblr, ect] that you can post links on, and post a link to this story! What you need to do is post a link to this fanfic, so others can read it, then below, send me a link to the post! Make sure that you can click on the link, and that the link you send me will send me to the link you posted about my fanfic! Persuade your followers, subscribers, ect, to read my story! :D If you susccessfully share my fanfic, and I can see that you shared it, I'll dedicate a chapter to you! The prize is simple, but its also simple to win! Almost everyone will win this, and its easy! You can enter once per website you share on! So say you shared on tumblr you would send me a link like this: [] Thats not a real one obviously but it would look something like that! Now say you share it on Twitter, and put the link in this comments, then you share it on Tumblr and give me the link, and then you share it on Wattpad, and give me the link below, then You're entered to win up to 3 chapter dedications! :D 

2: Book Trailer! Okay so what you need to do is make a trailer for this fanfic following this summary:

She was just another starbucks employee. He's just the popstar that every girl wants. But, when they meet, she isn't glad with what she's known about him. Not being a One Direction fan, she isn't very sure who he is. But when she realized it's the flirt, Harry Styles, she wants nothing to do with him. From the things shes read online about him, and the way he gets girls to sleep with him, then he never talks to them again, isn't her type of thing. But, when Harry really falls for her, he has to find a way to change her mind. Although her attitude towards him is not help. At first. Follow Harry and Amber as they try to make their relationship different.

So what you need to do is use any video editing software, [Windows Movie Maker is reccommended] and make a trailer. You can use the whole summary above, parts of the summary, or just use the story line of it to make the trailer. You can use quotes, scenes, or moments from the book in the trailer if you'd like. Make it unique, and fun, and make it persuade the viewers to read the book ! Make sure to add that the book is by me [GlitterDoll12] and it's avalable on Wattpad or to read. Also give yourself credits at the end by adding your name or wattpad username! :D When you complete the video, post it to Youtube, and put the link or your youtube username in the comments below on THIS chapter, and I'll watch it! 

The winning video will be on the main page of the fanfic, and the link to the video will also be below the summary on the main page. I will also pick a few runner up videos that will have the links to the videos below the winner in the summary!

Good luck to everyone that enters and I hope you all decide to give them a try! <3


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