Chapter 20: Bad Memories

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RECAP: I snuggled into him a little more. "Why me, though?"

"Because your beautiful, funny, smart, fun." He trailed off. I placed my lips on his gentally.

"I love you" I whispered.


My eyes opened. I was still in Harrys arms in the same place we were in last night. Me in his lap, against the wall. His arms were around me, and my arms were around him.

I used Harry to hoist myself up a little. I looked at his face. His head was tilted to the left, and rested against the wall behind him. His eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted.

A small smile appeared on my face. I placed my hands on the side of Harrys torso and pulled my body into him. His shirt smelt like he usually did. Really good. Like his cologne he usually wore.

I placed my left knee on the outside of his left hip and the same with the opposite side.

I gentally pushed my lips to Harry's, waiting for him to wake up. His eyes slowley opened as I pulled away.

He let out a quiet chuckle. His hands held each side of my waist, and squeezed them lightly.

"Good morning beautiful" He said, his voice cracking from just waking up.

I smiled. His hands pulled me up as he stood up at the same time. Once we were both standing, I pulled myself into his embrace. His arms tightly wrapped around my body as mine slid around his sides, to his back.

"Are you going to give me a chance?" Harry whispered.

I nodded a little making sure Harry saw. I looked up at his face he was smiling.

He lifted me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. His lips immediatly pressed against mine.

His hands held the back of my upper thighs, keeping me up.

After we pulled away from the kiss I let out a little laugh. A smile appeared across Harrys face.

"Whats so funny?" Harry asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing" I smiled.

He set my feet back to the ground. His arms wrapped around me tightly. The last person I was in a relationship with was Connor. He was exactly like Harry when I first met him but after I really started liking him, he began hitting me. And thats where I begin getting a little less comfortable with Harry.

I pushed away quickly from him

"Whats wrong?" He asked, looking a little confused.

I stared at the floor for a minute, admiring the dark wooden panels. A tear ran down my cheek, remembering what Connor had done to me the first time.


"Where the hell have you been!?" Connor yelled at me when I walked in the door to our house.

"I was at Maxs house! I told you that!" I said. Max was one of my best friends. Even though he was a guy, we were really close. But I wasn't cheating on Connor, like he thought I was.

"I NEVER gave you permission to go!" He yelled.

He hadn't ever been so hard on me before.

"Why the hell are you yelling at me?" I asked, sounding weak.

His arm quickly grasped my upper arm and pushed me into the wall behind me. "Your being a slut! You shouldn't be at other guys houses so late!" He yelled.

More tears began running down my cheek. "I-I'm sorry" I said, just over a whisper. 

His arm used force and threw me to the ground. He grabbed his keys off the table and got in his car. He drove away for the night, not returning until morning.

~End of Flashback~

That was where it started. The abuse and harm from Connor. After 5 months of our relationship he turned on me. Just like that. And it never stopped.

"Amber, are you alright?" Harry asked, grabbing the tips of my fingers with his, gentally. I nodded a little.

"Whats wrong?" He asked quietly. His fingers met the end of my chin, and slowley pulled it up.

I took a deep breath. "Nothing" I whispered. I wrapped my arms around him, again. 

"You can tell me anything, love." He said.

"I know. Its just not a big deal" 

"Are you sure?"

I slightly nodded. "I'm sure" I whispered,


Thanks for reading guys! <3 Comment, rate, vote! And as you might have noticed, I did find people to play Connor, Amber, Zach, and the rest of them! 

More chapters will be up soon!


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