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Three. It's been exactly three days since Xavier was granted a bond and released from the state's prison, and it's also been three days since Sonni last saw him. Neither one is at fault; it's just that Sonni hasn't left the house because of an encounter she experienced at the prison.

After Sonni left the West's house two weeks ago, she quit her job because Hayden advised her to, so they could avoid the case being thrown out due to a conflict of interest because Sonni worked at the prison. Hayden complied the necessary paperwork together so he could show that Sonni had been an intern at his law firm since the beginning of the first case. Sonni didn't mind quitting her job because she was loaded, not the Wests loaded, but loaded, and if she didn't have her money, her brother wouldn't hesitate to look after her.

The encounter she experienced is something she wouldn't wish on her worst enemy.

Because Sonni had been so tired and wrapped up with her classes and the case, she forgot to pick up her last check. She went to the prison the day after getting West to go pick it up. She didn't need it, but she went to the prison because she knew somebody else needed it. Sonni was going to put her whole check on Jayden's books so he wouldn't be without anything. She looked out for him while she was there, and she knew no one else would, not even Emani, so she wanted to make sure he was straight. But while doing a good deed, she didn't expect to be assaulted.

Three days ago..

"Hurts me the most when I wake. I fumble and twist, til the truth starts to click! There's sooo much space in this bed. These sheets go for miles, dreams of your smile. I don't wanna be just a memory.." Sonni sang along to "If You Let Me" by Sinead Harnett as she pulled into the prison's parking lot.

The song had just started, so she listened to half of it and climbed out of her Jeep Wrangler. Sonni figured that since she was just going to be in and out, she would leave her purse in the truck, along with her phone. She hit the locks and pulled up her jeans before making her way inside.

She still had her ID badge, and with it still being active, all she had to do was swipe it to be let through. She waved and spoke to her former coworkers as she walked through the halls. It didn't take her long to reach her destination.

"Hey, captain!" Sonni spoke as she knocked on his office door before stepping through the threshold.

"Buchanan! Here to pick up your last check?"

She nods her head. "Yes, sir."

The captain nodded as he stood up from his desk, walking over to his file cabinet. He searched for a minute before pulling her check out. He closed the cabinet door and handed Sonni a white envelope.

"I know what you did; we all do, and I don't blame you. There have been a lot of rumors floating around, but the real know what type of person you are, so we've chosen to ignore them. I'm honestly proud you're leaving because this place isn't for you. What you did for West is where you belong. That's your passion. Good luck out there, Buchanan, and be careful."

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