Sick Life

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Lizzs pov

I felt like I might have been a bit harsh to Bellamy yesterday so I walked over to the tent. "hey bell" I said as I walked in. He nodded, "yesterday I was very irritated by you and Finn and Murphy being back and I outed it on you" I came closer. I was feeling a bit off like when your sugar is to low. "are you okay" Bellamy asked. I nodded. Then Some people were yelling for Clarke so we decided to look what was going on.

Then all of a sudden Bellamy stopped me "lizz your eyes" .
Dark red Blood was pouring out of my eyes. It didn't quite hurt as much as you'd think it would but it sure was annoying. I wiped my face clean thinking it stopped, but when I went outside everything started spinning.
Then All of a sudden I collapse.

Bellamy catches me just in time for me not to hit the ground. Raven yelled for him not to and than he brought me into the dropship where I eventually found myself in a deep sleep.

I woke up what felt like hours later which in reality had only been a bout 10 minutes. I opened my eyes to the voice of Clarke saying" Murphy look at me". I was laying in a hammock so I don't think anyone saw I was awake yet. That's when I felt Nauseous and while trying to get over the edge of the hammock I fell.

Blood was coming out of my nose as I sit there on the cold ground coughing and spitting more and more blood up.
Jason who was standing at Clarke's side. Crawled next to me. "Let's get you back up" . I nodded slowly trying to not to Sink through my knees.

Jason sat me down on a chair as I asked and walked back to Clarke. Jasons nice he's about 16 but looks way older like in his 20s. His blond hair is grown out and his eyes were green. He very much gave me book villain vibes with his tall and skinny figure. Though he is far to nice to be one. I figured that much back when we met in the sky box.

That's when Bellamy came rushing in. "Bellamy stay back" Clarke said. "don't tell me what to do" he said walking closer. "Blake don't you dare" I said,"I can't have you getting sick because of me". "what the hell is this" Bellamy said looking rather angry. "Biological warfare" Clarke said.

"Oh for fuck sake what is this a TV show" I mumbled. I could see Jason holding back his smile. I don't think Bellamy or Clarke had heard my comment otherwise they probably would have added some stupid comment.

I started feeling a bit better after the whole vomiting blood thing. I can almost stand up and not fall back down so that's a good thing. My throat does still hurt but then again I did just vomit a whole lot of blood up.

"you where waiting for the grounders to reteliate for the bridge" Clarke said which I backed up by saying "welp this is it Murphy is they're weapon".


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