01 || The Reveal

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[ - sophia kim - ]

2021, it has marked 3 years ever since Joshua and I started dating, but we don't really plan on revealing it so far. I guess neither of us are ready to what people are going to say about us dating.

I'm not worried about, me but I'm worried about him. I couldn't care less about what my fandom would say to me, but I'm worried if his fans wouldn't be accepting of it

Though, I did tried hinting some stuffs on social medias but they're too stupid to even notice it and seriously it's hilarious when I think about it again. I wonder if there is any way to reveal it in a quite obvious yet not way. I wanna give it a try but I'm quite scared to do so,,,,

Maybe I should have a talk about it with him. Maybe it'll make my work easier to start this weird ass idea of mine

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