14 || The Reveal

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[ - sophia kim - ]

Jihoon and I were just walking in the park together. It was really cold at night so we were barely showing our faces. It's not like we're scared or anything, but we're just cold

We were just chatting like we usually would, planning on a collab for fun and just had fun together. We rarely got to hang out nowadays so it's relaxing for both of us.

Time passes by and we headed to our own houses. I didn't think much of it and headed to bed instantly.

The next day, A LOT of articles of me and Jihoon allegedly dating. I was so hella confused like--- What ????

I read the articles and I was seriously dying from laughter. They really thought Jihoon and I are dating just by going out together yesterday night at a park, holding hands and hugging before departing from each other...

Gosh people really don't have anything better to do than spying on people

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