08 || The Reveal

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[ - sophia kim - ]

Hours have passed and it's already 9 PM. I left the studio early since I have other things to settle. Being the head of the company and an idol at the same time is tiring. Luckily I only have one more thing to settle by tonight then I can rest until tomorrow

Having too much responsibilities sucks to be honest, but I signed up for it so I can't be complaining about it

I settled up all of my works and submitted it by 10.30 PM. After I was done, I head back to my house which isn't that far from the building. It's just a highly secured district so it's safe to go home at anytime I want.

I did my daily nighttime routine and finally checked my phone at 11.05 PM. There were notifications from Joshua from hours ago. Poor guy, I'm sure he waited for me to answer. I checked the messages out

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He didn't reply for a while--

Poor guy, I left him hanging and he was probably worried about what it could be--- I'm so sorry my honey---

The Reveal • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now