07 || The Reveal

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[ - joshua hong - ]

"By the way, you seemed so confident about that though. Why ?" I asked Seungkwan and the other were quite curious too

"Just my gut feelings. Sooyoung could be weird from time to time and she's just that dry texter so that's probably why it seemed serious" said Seungkwan and Hansol nodded

"It's probably gonna be wholesome like what Chan said" Hansol chuckled

I mean, I should trust them. After all, these two are the closest with Sophia. If they're saying it's probably nothing then I shouldn't worry about it.

Oh. I should reply.

"When do our practice ends ??" I asked them

"At around 10 PM" Jeonghan replied

"Okay okay" I responded and started on texting her back

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I put my phone aside and finished up my drink. After that, we headed straight to our dance studio and began on practicing shortly after

The Reveal • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now