05 || The Reveal

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[ - sophia kim - ]

As we were practicing, I suddenly received a phone call which caused all of us to stop for a bit. I can't ignore any phone calls since it might be important so I told them to practice without me for a bit.

I rushed to my phone to see who it is from. I answered the call outside of the dance studio to deal with the designer for our outfits. It lasted for like 10 minutes for sure

I then checked my inbox just in case there's something important and I then saw a notification from Joshua. Seems like he replied

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Well I hope you're free tonight for sure. I don't think any of us have any time during the daytime. Hope he's done with practice by tonight

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After I responded to him, I quickly went back into the dance studio and continued on practicing with the girls

The Reveal • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now