13 || The Reveal

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[ - joshua hong - ]

It's quite hilarious to see how people didn't even suspect us of dating. I thought we were making things obvious, but I guess it was not for others

It's funny to be honest

"You seemed to be in a such a good mood. Can't wait for the con ?" Seungcheol asked

"Yeah, and I'm just amused at how didn't even suspect of Sophia and I are dating. I thought we're already being obvious, especially that Sophia told me she was planning to drop random hints of us dating. I guess it doesn't work" I chuckled

"Maybe it's because you two did denied it before ?? You know way before you two started dating ??" said Wonwoo

"That could be it" I nodded, agreed with Wonwoo's statements

"Now people are asking if you two are having a collab or something" said Junhui and I choked on my saliva

"THEY WHAT ???" I asked in disbelief as I was amused upon hearing that

"Yeah, and it's hilarious" Junhui laughed

"By the way, where's Jihoon ?? In his studio ??" I asked

"He's out with Sophia. They just wanted to catch up and probably talk more about producing and all like they always do" Wonwoo replied

"Ah I see. Hope they're having fun together" I responded

"Those two are quite close but not many people know about it. They rarely meet outside casually like this so people might thought they're dating instead" said Junhui

"If that happens, I seriously am going to die out of laughter" said Seungcheol

"All of us would if you ask me" I responded with a chuckle, imagining how that would probably happen

The Reveal • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now