04 || The Reveal

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[ - joshua hong - ]

"Shua hyung are you alright ?" Soonyoung approached me

"Oh uh... Yeah yeah I'm alright" I replied, tried to hide my anxiousness

"You sure ?? You seemed quite anxious. Did something happened ?" Soonyoung asked

"Sophia asked if we could have a talk and... I'm just a bit worried that's all" I replied

"Oh ?? I wonder what she wants to discuss with you" said Soonyoung as he sat down beside me

"I am too. The last time she asked for a talk, we were on the verge of splitting up...." I held onto my phone tightly

"I'm sure that's not the case hyung. Your relationship with her this year is decent so I don't think she'd ask for a break up" said Soonyoung

"Cheer up !" he added as he pats my shoulder

"I really hope that's not the case" I sighed

"Please, Sooyoung loves you too much hyung. I don't think she's gonna ask for a break up" Soonyoung scoffed

"Like she talks about you a lot whenever I'd see her. So I'm sure it's not about breaking up" Soonyoung added

I laughed as I felt a bit relieved

"I hope that's true" I responded

"Okay okay, let's grab something to eat first. You definitely need to relax before starting another practice with us" said Soonyoung

"Yeah yeah. Let's go" I responded as I got up, helping him in the process

The Reveal • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now