Two Out of Three: Part 5

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A few weeks later

Pearl: Were almost there right Mom ?

Blaze: Yes we are and we got Solar this time as well.

Pearl: He will finally meet our Aunt and Uncle *smile*

Solar: I know I agreed to this but its been two weeks and Frost still hasn't woken up yet. Is it ok for me to be with family if all of whats left of blacks is struggleing to stay alive.

Pearl: Hey Mom is Ms Molly still with Aunt Rin and Uncle Bolt.

Blaze: I belive so but I'm not sure I haven't talked with them in a while I just told them we were coming to vist when I called them earlier.

Solar: who's Ms Molly ?

Blaze:But pretty soon you both will have a baby cusion.

Solar: A baby cusion

Pearl: Wait there having a baby

Blaze: Yes when I spoke with her she talked about her egg I'm not sure if it hatched yet and Pearl I haven't told them you evoulved ether.

Pearl: I can't wait to see them now (happily but still calm)

Solar: Sis has been acting weird she isn't as hyper and energetic as she was a few weeks ago before she evolved She seems calmer but still acts like Pearl.

Pearl: Solar are you sure you going to be ok meeting Aunt and Uncle

Solar: (nods)but I wonder if they would love like family even though Im not

Pearl: (reads mind) Solar they will love you evne though your not family by blood your still in our family.

Brian: Yeah everyone love you appletun

Blaze: BRIAN!!

Pearl: .......Dad that one was bad really bad

Brian: hehe I thought it was good.

Everyone else:........

Blaze: anyways here it is *knocks on door*

(A Pinkish Purple Vaporeon opened the door)

Blaze: Rin(hugs Vaporeon)

Rin: Blaze it's been to long. (hugs back)

Brian: I know right its Unbeleafable

Pearl: really dad you have made that jock already.

Rin: Brian do you ever- WAIT Pearl is that you (goes infront of Pearl)

Pearl: Suprize Auntie (Smiles).

Rin: You eveolved into a beautitful Espeon just wait tll your Uncle sees this (turns around)

Solar: ingored again no suprise but i guess it's a good thing since I dont have to talk now (follows them inside but hides behind Blaze)

Rin: so how was the walk from Sunny town to Terra town.

Blaze: It was nice, there is no need for an escort now since they made the road.

Rin: thats good, Pearl you uncle should be in the egg room which is the room you normally stay in if you want to see him.

Pearl: Ok Auntie (Starts to walk) Solar you coming

Solar: Uhhhhh

Rin: wait Solar (looks past blaze) Oh my is that the boy you told me about in the call he is such a cutie.

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