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Hello there!
Mag's back, tell a friend!

Quick author note before all of you immerse yourselves in this new story.

First! A big thank you to lady_mistakes that made this incredibly beautiful cover for this story and that I'm so happy to share with you. She's really really talented so, go check out her Insta Account, I can promise you won't regret it.

I swear I'm her fan.

Thank you so much!

Second! I've been noticing that my latest stories don't have much female characters, so we're going to change that a bit. Because well #girlempowerment.

So, for those who loved Dance Until it Hurts, guess who's back?


Also, we'll have Gemma as a lead character too, because she's the better Styles and we all know it.

So, with Gemma as a lead and Emily as a powerful side character, we'll have this story full of strong females.

What do you say?

Third! This story will have a lot of details to pay attention to.
So, don't fall asleep.

And last but not least, I wanted to tell you that this first chapters will be shorter than you're used to. But it's on purpose.

Mag 🦋


[ Louis' POV ]

To my surprise, the streets of Doncaster were really crowded that morning as I tried to find a spot to park my car near the building of my office.

It was getting late to work and not only I hadn't found a place to park yet, but also the car ahead of me wasn't moving.

I didn't understand which was the problem that specific morning, but it was getting on my nerves.

I couldn't be late again, not if I wanted to keep my job.
And my boss hasn't been very fond of me lately.

So I was walking in a tightrope.

I decided to text one of my coworkers to tell them I wasn't going to make it in time, so I extended my hand to pick my phone from the passenger seat.

Though I couldn't send the message because I was interrupted by an incoming call from my roommate.

"Hey." - I answered.

"Hey, you left already?"

"Yes, Ems."

"The news is saying that there's a manifestation on the streets because another guy went missing, just thought I'd let you know so you don't get stuck in traffic."

"Too fucking late."

"Oh. Well, you're running late then?"

"Yes Sherlock." - I said, already annoyed.

"Hey, it's not my fault, stupid ass."

"Whatever. I'll see you back at home, it's your turn to cook tonight."

"It's always my turn." - She replied and I laughed.

"Bye, Em."

"Bye, loser."

Just when I hung up on her, the cars started to move and I could take a shortcut to the left, leaving behind the sea of cars and driving by the park which was a few blocks from my office.

I knew my office building was in one of the most crowded streets, so instead of trying to find a space to park there, I decided that I would park on the side street of the park, not caring about having to walk three blocks, but happy that I found an empty spot instead.

Hurrying through the trails of the park, knowing I was already twenty five minutes late to work, I heard a beautiful voice that rapidly caught my attention and made me stop in my tracks.

It was accompanied by some really out of tune strings, of what sounded like a guitar.

Those strings weren't alright, it sounded like cat meow. But the voice, it was really something else. Beautiful and mellowing, silky but hoarse at the same time, deep and tranquil.

Even though those strings weren't alright, the voice humming over it was captivating and it just kept repeating four simple words.

Four words that I knew belonged to a song I knew, a song that was probably buried in my brain for quite a long time.
Those words and that repeating melody that got stuck inside my head while I tried to decipher which song it was.

I turned around to try and catch a look on the owner of it, but they weren't on sight.
I looked down at the watch on my wrist and cursed, I was so going to get fired.

So I turned around again, running out of the park and making my way to the office.

I couldn't risk losing my job.

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