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Okay, so this was an eventful week and a half, wasn't it?

Louis' tour starts today.
Today is Harry's birthday.
And the whole world is practically on fire with all the Prada stuff.

Have you seen Twitter? It's like hunger games.

Anyways. This chapter was planned a long time ago so the fact that I'm publishing it today it's just a mere coincidence.


I hope you all are enjoying tonight!

Mag 🦋


[ Gemma's POV ]
Holmes Chapel.

Everything was harder today.

Today everything felt heavy and slow and just impossible.
Today everything was against me.

Today I just wanted to cry.

Because today was February 1st.
Harry's eighteen birthday.

And he wasn't here.
He was still missing. He was still lost, and probably he didn't even know his birthday was today.

He surely lost track of time after three months and a half.
I don't think he is aware that today is his day. That today we miss him a little bit more than the other regular days of the year.
That today his family is crying and calling out his name.

Today should be a day of celebration, a day of happiness. But instead, I'm hugging my mother while we both cry in the living room of our house.

Neither of us finding the strength to go out and face our duties.
Neither of us wanted to get out of the house at all.

We kept finding old photo albums, old videos of Harry playing the guitar, abandoned shirts that belonged to him and just everything that brought back memories of him.

My mother even tried to bake a cake after midnight last night, just for us, but with the stupid hope of Harry retuning.

And it was killing us.

I had turned my phone off so nobody would bother us.
We needed space, silence and just each other's company.

Nothing else.

But of course, even if I didn't want to be bothered today, people always found a new way to reach me.

Three knocks on the door.

"Gem, I know you're in there. There's no need for you to get out, I just wanted to tell you that we found two girls more. They are not from Holmes Chapel. It seems like they were taken out of their cities. So we're calling the families and they will be arriving at the shelter sometime today." - Liam said through the door. - "Also, we have information on where Zayn might be, so I'm going to take a trip there. Yeah?"

"Wait." - I said, standing up and running to the door, slightly opening it. - "Zayn? Do you want me to go with you? Where is he?"

"No Gem." - He smiled. - "I can go on my own. It's in Doncaster. A woman called this morning, so me, Officer Sanders and Matthews are leaving in a few minutes."

"Doncaster? How did he end up there?"

"We suppose they have been moving the victims to other cities so it would be more difficult to identify them."

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