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Hello beautiful souls!

How was your week?

Mine was LONG. My mom was in the hospital for two days, I had to donate blood, then Harry's tickets came out while I was at the hospital, I got a ticket thanks to a friend luckily.
Then I tattooed my leg and I broke a nail (?

So, yeah. I've been busy.

Sorry for Taking so long.

Love you, Mag 🦋


[ Louis' POV ]

Don't let me…
Don't let me…
Don't let me go…

Don't let me…
Don't let me…
Don't let me go…

Don't let me…
Don't let me…
Don't let me go…

"Hey Harry."

He looked up at me and stopped playing.

"Hello, Lou."

"Still working on your song?"

"Every day." - He shrugged.

"Any progress?" - I smiled, sitting down next to him.


"That's a pity. Good thing I bought lemon cupcakes for you and tea with extra sugar." - I said excitedly, taking everything out of the bag and handing it to him.

"Louis… you shouldn't have…"

"Of course I should have. Nothing but the best for an angel like you." - I said, making him blush and shake his head.

"Don't say that…"

"Okay, I won't say a thing. But you need to eat. C'mon." - I said, shoving the cup of tea towards him.

He rolled his eyes and lifted the cup to his lips, he hummed in content and let his head rest on my shoulder.

"Thank you. It's delicious."

"You're welcome, angel." - I whispered into his hair and pecked his temple softly. - "You know what I love the most about weekends?"

"That you don't go to work?" - He grinned.

"Exactly. And that our guitar lessons can last all day long."

"You're learning really fast, Lou."

"Yeah? Maybe because I have a great teacher."

"I wonder how…" - He trailed.

"How what?"

"How was my learning process… I think that I learned how to play from my mother. I believe she… she was very present in my life."

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