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Well, hello beautiful souls!
I'm so proud of this next chapter, so I hope you all like it.

Also, I want your thoughts on the new part of Christmas Lights I published on Lou's birthday.
Did it reach your expectations???

I was so scared to write mpreg for the first time.

Anygays, I also want to share with you that I won a ticket for Louis' show in Argentina and I cried for hours, so in retaliation, I'll probably transmit it live on my Instagram that day.

May 22nd.

I'm so, so happy about it, I'm still in shock I swear.

Also, I have some other surprises for next year.
So, for now I'll wish you all have a great start of 2022, and you'll probably hear from me on January, be ready.


Love you all!

Mag 🦋


[ Louis' POV ]

I felt stupid.

I felt useless and spoiled and privileged to be waking up in a warm bed, with a phone on my nightstand ringing, the smell of toast coming from the kitchen and the tv sounding in the background.

Why did I have all those things when there are others out there fighting to survive?

Why do I get to have a job and food on my table when there are others who are missing and probably being tortured?

I grabbed my phone, checked the time and noticed it was late.
I had postponed two of my alarms already.

I threw the phone across the room, causing it to hit the wardrobe door.

I was done with all that.

I quickly changed my pajamas, grabbed some ice tea, cookies and a bottle of juice and without even saying goodbye to Emily, I ran out.

The guitar was still safely placed on the backseat of my car and now with the food set in the passenger seat, I was ready to go visit Harry.

So, without hesitation, I drove through the Donny's streets, luckily not facing any manifestations that morning, and easily parked in the side of the park.

As I got out of the front seat, I grabbed the guitar and the breakfast before securing and locking the car.

My feet made their already known way to where Harry usually is and I felt my heart clench as I saw his sleeping body hugging himself tight, clutching some dirty, leaky blanket.

I took a mental note to bring him a new one the following morning and quickly walked towards him.

"Harry…" - I said softly, not wanting to scare him like the day before.

Harry stirred and slowly opened his eyes, a tiny smile forming as he saw it was me.

"Good morning, Louis." - He mumbled, sitting up and waving timidly.

"I brought you the guitar and some breakfast."

"Oh, thank you. You didn't have to."  - He said, folding his blanket and putting it aside.

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