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Gemma's POV are always so difficult to write.
I love them though, it's a like a whole new level of challenge for me.

It might sound silly, but with this book I feel like I'm writing an actual book and not just a fanfiction. Idk.

Hope you like it ☀️

I'm really happy lately, even after Covid, I'm having really great news and stuff to look forward to, so yeah.

Really happy.
If anyone cared.

What about you guys? How is January treating you?

Mag 🦋


[ Gemma's POV ]
Holmes Chapel.

Each day it passed, we were getting better and closer to finding the guilty.

The saved ones had been giving us some clues, and the few police officers that were on our side were securing and checking the town everyday.

Our searching teams had already visited every house of the town in the frame of two weeks, and that's how we found seven people.

Lately, since we started to get involved with the tv channels and our organization has been getting more attention, we have been receiving multiple phone calls and emails of people who want to join, or people that are willing to help from their own cities.

And even if we couldn't be happier about it, we were buried in work.

Liam and I were running the whole place, and luckily my mom was out of her continuous depression, so she was helping a lot too.

Niall has been worried sick about finding Harry, and as ridiculous as that sounds, I was the only one able to calm him down. To reassure him that we are going to find him.

I wasn't going to let my hopes down, I wasn't going to give up on him.
But it would be a lie to say I wasn't struggling too.

I was devastated.

Finding seven people and hearing all their stories, finding how they were taken or what they did to them, seeing them reunited with their loved ones, it was just breaking me and making me miss my baby brother even more.

But yet, I needed to stay strong for everyone.
I wasn't allowed to crumble.

"Gem, darling?" - My Mom said, her head the only thing visible inside my office. - "Can I come in?"


"Aren't you busy?" - She asked, stepping inside and closing the door behind her.

"Yeah, I am. I've been trying to think where this place Kyle told us about would be, but nothing yet."

"Oh, the one he said near the train tracks?"

"Yes. We've searched everywhere around the area of the rails, but nothing."

"Poor boy, he had been taken so long ago, they moved him from one place to another, tortured him, starve him to unconsciousness and…" - She sighed. - "Do you believe Harry is being treated that way too? I can't even…" - She sobbed. - "He is my baby and I can't…"

"Mom…" - I sighed, standing up from my desk and walking towards her, wrapping my arms around her body and hugging her against my chest.

She pressed her forehead against my shoulder and sobbed once more.

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