22~ Rescue... ____ _____

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Today is the day...

After what happened at the Todoroki's house, the people working to help find Aizawa and Izuku finally allowed us to help on the case...

I was able to hack into more of the L.O.V's mainframe. Over 3 days, we had a solid map and view of where they are keeping them...

I haven't been able to find anything on where the two of them are taken in the morning... The only thing I could get my hands on was the footage of Aizawa and Izuku in the cell during the afternoon hours of the day...

With everything I've been able to gather we've made a plan and are now ready to go in...

Just a few more hours...

Then you'll be safe...


"We make our move in 5"

Five minutes...




Could not go by any slower...

We're waiting outside the L.O.V base for everyone to get in position.

Me and Sansa are in a group together. Once we're given the signal it's our job to go in and get Shou and Bishop out...

Tsukauchi and Hitoshi are parked in a van two blocks away watching everything from the multitude of the cameras on our uniforms and the ones litter around the alleyways...

"Testing, testing... Can you read me?"

"Why did you say it like that Toshi?"

"That's always how they say it in the movies..."

"Listener... This isn't a movie..."

"Fine, I won't try to lighten the mode... From the experience that isn't mine, it helps to go into a mission with a positive attitude..."

"Out of curiosity... Who taught you that?"

"Izuku... He said it always worked for him... I really don't want anyone to die today so I'm going to give it a try... Does anyone else have weird things that manage to help increase chances?"

"Shou always prays to the coffee gods..."

"Haven't tried that one... Normally I pray to everything that's not Izuku... OW! What was that for..."

"My tradition is normally smacking Sansa and telling him he doesn't get cuddles if he fails to bring dinner home... I already hit Sansa... I smacked you for good measure. Your job is to bring home your head..."

"Enter in 3..."

"Break a leg everyone..."


"And please don't die! Zashi! Sansa! I'm talking to you both!"


"No promises..."



I sat in the van with Toshi and watched from Sansa's camera as they entered the building...

I know all of us are nervous and I can't stop myself from messing with the ring on my finger as each team goes further into enemy territory...

I take a peek at the other screens...

So far nothing is happening...

I look at Toshi as we both think and say the same thing...

"Something is wrong..."




"They should have been met with some resistance by now... It's like everyone is on a lunch break right now..."

We both start looking for any sign of a trap...

Any telltale detail that will help ease the feeling of doubt that we're both feeling...

"The door to the cell should be down the stairs and to the left..."





"Uhm... Tsukauchi..."


"I found the problem..."




"Oh... Shit..."


"This was too easy..."

"Don't jinx us..."

Our team is now making our way out of the L.O.V base...

I'm caring Bishop on my back and Zashi has Shouta on his...

"Tsukauchi is everything clear outside?"


"I can't get a signal... I think we are back in the area Mini Tsukauchi said we would lose connection... We'll try again when we get outside..."

"I-I don't l-like thi-is..."

Bishop shifted on my back and held on just a little tighter...

"Neither do I..."

Three minutes later we made it outside the base and me and Zashi quickly make our way down towards the van...

Once we are only a block away a voice behind us makes us stop...

"I wouldn't go that way..."

I feel Bishop's breathing pick up and turn to see the doctor from the video feed Toshi had found...

"What did you do to Tsukauchi and Hitoshi..."

"Oh... I didn't do anything to them..."




"Just paid someone to rig their ride..."








•• •• •• •• {Cookies} •• •• •• ••

Hey Guys!!!

2 more full days till Christmas!!!
(Because I'm posting this at 11:55 pm...)

Hope you all have a wonderful whatever it is where you are!!!

Sorry, not sorry, for the cliffhanger...

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