𝘫. 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘥

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> he is not very used to the intimacy of affection due to... ya know, trauma

> > because of that, at the beginning of your relationship, he would show you affection if you initiated it

> > >  if you reach for his hand, he'll grab onto it; if you outstretch your arms, he'll scoop you up in a hug; if you tell him you're feeling down, he'll do whatever it takes to bring your mood up

> he will not do laundry until he literally has no clean clothes and he won't do the dishes until he's drinking coffee out of a bowl

> > he needs you to remind him to do those things and be a reason to have clean clothes and dishes to eat off of

> > > when you're away, he sorta doesn't know what to do with himself

> deep down, he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, but he's still extremely hesitant to pursue something like marriage 

> > he has a lot of issues he wants to work out first so you can marry the best version of him (if you want to, that is)

> Jason knows he's a mess--a wreck--and that trauma affects aspects of your relationship

> > don't you want a man more put-together and stable than he is? don't you know you can do better?

> these insecurities will display themselves, sometimes obviously other times it's more subtle

> > he might grow a little distant or become less talkative and you can just feel something's wrong (subtle)

> > > he might outright ask why you even love him (obvious)

> he usually masks his more vulnerable emotions with anger

> > but sometimes he just needs some reassurance like we all do

> he knows it's not your responsibility to be his therapist and he would hate it if that's what you became

> > he'll start to feel like he's a project, not your boyfriend and he'll begin to wonder if the only reason you're with him is to try and fix him

> > > he knows he needs help, but when he's ready for it, he'll seek a professional who is not the love of his life

❝ 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘥 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦 . ❞ [ Batfam x reader headcanons & one-shots ]Where stories live. Discover now