𝘵. 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘦

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> he can be pretty affectionate, but he isn't huge on PDA

> > he doesn't want to make anyone else uncomfortable, plus he is a little shy, especially when you first started dating

> he gives you piggy-back rides

> > if your feet hurt, if it's late, if you're not in a good mood--any excuse, really and for such a massive dork, he is incredibly strong

> unfortunately, he is far too dependent on you

> > the boy will work every hour of every day that you are not reminding him to take breaks and he'll start skipping meals and consuming only coffee to keep himself awake

> > > he's a workaholic and it only gets worse when you're not around

> he knows it's unhealthy, but it helps him cope with missing you

> if you were to ever break up with him, Tim would just kinda... shut off

> > if he was a workaholic before, there isn't a word to describe what he would become--for months, it would be nothing but his job as a way to distract himself so he wouldn't have to face the pain

> > > > his brothers would have to sit him down for an intervention

> he would only resist cuddles if he's "trying to work"

> > notice I said resist, not deny

> > > if you're clever, you could weasel your way into his lap as he sits in front of the computer and he will even play with your hair or draw patterns on your skin

> Tim used to keep you at arm's length when it comes to his family

> > once he was comfortable enough to introduce you, Bruce and Dick appreciated that he had a healthy relationship to turn to outside of work

> he is oh-so-soft with you and it makes your heart melt

> when Tim thinks about a safe place, his mind conjures this image of you standing in front of a large window in a nice penthouse in the city

> >  the sun is setting over the city skyline and there you are, with his arms around your waist snugly

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