𝘣. 𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘯𝘦

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> he is a movie buff and he would love it if you were as into movies as he is

> > like, after the end of the credits (because he likes to watch them) he wants to talk about the film for like twenty minutes

> relationships with his exes are... complicated

> > Catwoman is in denial and has 100% said something like, "He couldn't have tied me down anyways!"

> > > Talia has tried to kill you multiple times, though

> it also took a hot minute for Damian to warm up to you or even the idea of his father being with someone who was not his mother

> > because of that, he would say some insensitive things, but once he got to know you he liked you

> > > "My mother might be one of the most feared assassins, but you... you are fun and... nice."

> > > > you cried when he said that because all the effort you made to break through to him and end the cycle of abuse was finally paying off

> you are Jason's favorite, that boy has always loved you so much even after he came back

> anyway, this motherfucker likes dinosaurs unironically 

> > and it's a bit like an inside joke; you'll get him dinosaur-themed cards every year for father's day, his birthday, anniversaries, etc.

> he literally thinks you are the most gorgeous person on this planet, he only has eyes for you

> > could not care less about what beauty standards you align with, this man is ridiculously attracted to your upstanding moral code

> > > your unyielding desire to do the right thing and your rigid sense of justice are unironically turn-ons for this loser

> you are actually the only normal thing in his life and he cherishes that so much

> > it's so refreshing to just be with you and feel like a human being

> he is fascinated with your scars from doing regular things like burning yourself while cooking or falling out of a tree as a kid

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