Chapter 9-Iris Versicolor

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(Ay yo! So where do I begin. I changed my username but, it's still me lol. Let's just get straight into the chapter)

Keys: SK/S/P: Skirt, shorts, or pant 

E/c: eye color 

*No ones POV*

The warm sun shown through the burgundy curtains. The young girl slowly opened her eyes. She brought hands to her face trying to block out the morning sun. A soft groan escapes her lips.

"Oh, y/n your finally awake! I was afraid that I would have to wake you up." Hermione's voice said rather loudly. The young girl sat up, she looked at Hermione, who was already dressed and ready for the day.

"What time is it ,mione-" Y/n said, " Hermione. I meant to say Hermione." Y/n stumbled with her words as she got up and pulled her trunk out from under her bed.

"Oh, y/n it's fine, everyone calls me that, its about time that you did as well." That made Y/n smile. She nods, Hermione took that as a sign to take her leave. As she was leaving she said, "The others are waiting down in the common room for you." Y/n was sent into a panic, Wait the others are waiting for meShe got her shirt on quickly. She pulled  her SK/S/P on as she ran out the door. She then ran down the stairs. Taking a sharp turn on the winding stairs, so she could see who's in the common room waiting. Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Neville. 

"Hey guys, Sorry for keep you all waiting." She said slightly out of breath.  

"About bloody time, Y/n." Ron says playfully, earning a slap from Hermione. 

"Come on guys lets get some breakfast," Y/n said trying to break the tension. 

*In The Dinning Hall* 

As Y/n sat eating, she failed to notice the many eyes on her, not only at the Gryffindor table but at the other tables as well. Without realizing it she had zoned out, but she was soon brought back to the present, by a soft tap on her shoulder. She expected it to be Ginny who was on her left. But her eyes met those of Neville Longbottom. He was sitting on the other side of Ginny. 

"Yes Neville?" she asked leaning back in hopes to hear him better, putting a smile on her once blank face. This action seeming to startle Neville.

"salt," He said in almost a whisper. He gulped.

"salt?" Y/n asked. Neville pointed to the table next to her. Her eyes fallowed where his hand was pointing.  Her gaze met a salt shaker that was right next to her plate of food. " Oh." she says the interaction clicking in her mind. Y/n picked up the salt shaker and handed it over to him, there hands slightly brushing in the exchange. She smiled at him then went back to eating. 

"Hey, Y/n." a voice with a thick Scottish accent practically screamed from across the table.  She jumped at the loud voice. It was Oliver Wood. "Oh sorry if I startled you," He said lowing his voice, " I really need to work on that." He pretty much whispered the last part to himself, but she was still able to hear it. "Anyway, do you wanna come and watch Quidditch try outs next week, and if you feel up to it you could try to get on the team, I bet you would be really good at it!" He said with a large grin on his face. 

"Oy, looks like our buddy Oli is trying to pick up a new chick." A loud voice boomed as a hand rested on Oliver shoulder. A red tint spreads across Olives cheeks. 

"Shut your trap Weasley." Oliver stammered. Fred and George Weasley lost it bursting in fits of laughter. Y/n was about to say something till she felt something hard hit her back, knocking the wind out of her. Causing her to cough. She quickly turned and looked behind her to find a pale, platinum blond girl sitting on the floor. An open Quibbler sat on the floor in front of her. Y/n trying to catch her breath by coughing caught her friends attention. 

"Are you ok Y/n?" Harry asked putting a hand on her back. 

"Ya I'm good." Y/n said as she turned and grabbed Harrys hand off of her. Smiling as she did. "Thanks for making sure I'm okay," she said getting up and went over to the girl who ran into her. She picked up the Quibbler, as she noticed the blond girl was starting to get up. Y/n then offered the girl a hand. Which she gladly accepted.

"Are you ok? You took a mighty hard fall there," Y/n said laughing a bit, handing the blond her Quibbler back.  

"Oh I'm fine it happens all the time, I'm used to it." The girl said smiling and putting her hand out for a hand shake. "My name is Luna Lovegood, its a pleasure to meet you." Y/n gladly excepts the hand and shook it. 

"I'm Y/n-" 

"Oh i know who you are, your the talk of this place. They've given you a name to match your reputation, The American Flower." Luna said smiling at her, causing Y/n to blush. " Well i really understand why, You are really pretty, so natural in beauty that you seem almost wild." 

"O-Oh, thank you I really-that's really nice." Y/n said feeling heat rush over her body. "Well i have to be off, I still need to eat breakfast. See you around." Luna said skipping off. Y/n was in shock People know about me? How? Why?  A loud laugh came from the Slytherin table. 

"Did you see the way she stumbled Draco?" A loud female voice boomed. (Hold the fuck up!! Its 12 am, And I'm not even fucking done!) Y/n looks over to see a girl with a brown bob laughing her ass off. 

"How pathetic," The person Y/n could only assume was Draco said. Y/n was about to walk over there and give them a piece of her mind. I'm about to rock there shit .  Y/n thought rolling up her sleeves. She was then yanked back by her hood. (wait the fuck is it called... a cloak hood, A robe hood.... I'm fucking dying) 

"What do you think you're doing," the robotic voice of Percy Weasley said.

"UM," Y/n started to cough form the sudden fast movement, of being yanked from one place to another. Percy Weasley let go of her hood and rushed to get her some water. He returned and handed her the water.

"I am so sorry, how can i be a good pre- Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah" He started to ramble on. 

"Hey its fine, i actually would of killed someone, so thanks. I really appreciate it and don't say that your doing an amazing job." Y/n said with a soft smile. After hearing the nice complement his face lit up, and his cheeks developed a red tint. 

"Y/n," Hermione's voice called, "We have to get to class." Y/n nodded. 

"Bye Percy see you later!" She said running off. 

*Percy's POV*

Wow. She was brilliant, so kind and pret- wait... wait....WAIT DID SHE SAY SHE WOULD OF KILLED SOMEONE!

(this shit took longer than expected it 1 am now lol I'll update tommarow!! Love you besties) 

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