Chapter 15-Lavender

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(So I'm going to start to do this thing at the beginning of the chapter where I tell you guys the meaning behind every flower that I choose to represent each chapter! OMG OMG guys lavender is considered a gay symbol because between June and July is when it is usually in full bloom. SO its considered a symbol For the LGBTQ+ community and is most commonly used in queer/gay artwork. Anyways, Have fun reading bbs!!!)

Lavender: Lavender is commonly seen as a symbol of sexuality, and purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and calmness.

*Y/n's POV*

I let out a loud sigh as I looked at the bracelet that was now tightly stuck on my wrist.

"So why the hell couldn't you just break the curse?" I enquired as I couldn't stop the venom from seeping through my lips. That question was again answered by a loud sigh. The tall tired looking raven haired man gave me a dead pan stare. "Ok, fine don't answer me." I stated jumping to my feet, "See you in class Professor."

I walked through the dungeons. I looked at the bracelet on my wrist picking at it. Damn this day sucks!! I thought skipping down that hall.

*No ones POV*

The young girl looked around at the emty corridor, she had no idea what time it was or how many classes she had missed. A while into her walk she realized that she was completely lost. She let out a frustrated grown and hit her head with her palm. She wanted to scream. In frustration she kicked a box that sat propped up against a wall. A loud crash was heard, fallowed by skittering.

"What the-" Y/n said quietly. She slowly peers her head over the crates. She then felt a sudden pain on her forehead, she flinches back and touches the point of impact. She looks at the floor and sees a small rock sitting at her feet.

"OI What the BLOODY HELL'S YOUR PROBLEM!" an angry booming voice yelled from the other side of the box. Just then an angry house elf stomped out from behind the box. Y/n stepped back in surprise.

"Oh my I am so sorry" Y/n gasped and started to approach them.

"Back up I don't need your bloody help. You god damn Bloody Sod." He fumed, wiping the dust off his ragged cloths. As the Elf was mumbling to himself Y/n noticed a small pair of cracked glasses that seemed to have been made out of thin wire and magnifying glass lenses or something of the sort. She picked them up examining them. She hummed to herself.

"Reparo" She said waving her wand. A hissing sound came from the house elf as if the spell physically hurt him. Just then the house elf jumped up on the box that had been kicked against him he then lunged at her hands snatching the glasses from her.

"Don't touch things that aint yours. Stupid little girl why I oughta-" He wiped the glasses off using the girls robe, noticing the lack of crakes that once clouded his vision. "Oh," He said unknowing what to say next. He set the glasses on his face. He hopped down and grabbing the broom that he had propped against the wall.

"My name is Y/n." She said trying to defuse the situation. The elf scoffed.

"Well good for you." He said as he began sweeping. He looked over his shoulder surprised to see the girl still standing there. He let out a loud sigh.

"Hoggle" He groaned, "My name is Hoggle"

(Like the character from The movie Labyrinth. Which is one of my favorite movies.)

This made the girl smile. She looked around, and sighed. "I know that I was rude to accidently kick you but do you know the way back up to the main floor. I've been lost for a little while now."

Hoggle let out a loud scoff. "Helpless, you're bloody helpless." He said as he started to walk past the girl. Y/n just stood there assuming that was a no.

A loud groan came from around the corner. "Well come on then you Twat."

Y/n smiled wider, running after the elf. She walked next to him. They soon made it to the top of the stair case.

"Thank you so much Hoggle! I really hope to see you again!" Y/n said smiling. Hoggle scoffed, turned around and mumbled something under his breath. Y/n started to speed walk to the Gryffindor common room. Y/n stubbled up the stairs like a zombie. Her legs heavy, her arms weak, she felt as if she had been thrown into a washing machine, then left to dry out in the desert. She made it up to the portrait of the fat lady. 

"Who goes  the-"The fat Lady yelled, A soft smile appears on her plump face, "Oh Hello dear, Minerva told me that you would be here. Now get some rest, I'll send someone in to get you when dinners read!" She said in a quieter voice. The portrait opened, Y/n begrudgingly walked inside. She looked at the stair that lead up to the dorms, Fuck that man  She thought she shrugged her shoulders, and laid down on the couch, quickly falling asleep. 

*Time skip brought to you my fat juicy personality*

*No ones POV* 

The girl laid their asleep so peacefully. Little did she know that she was being watched. Frozen in fear Neville stood in the door way.  He didn't know that she wouldn't be in her dorm room. He was just going to knock and then leave. But the the moment his eyes met her sleeping form he froze up. He crept up to her and tapped her on her shoulder. The girls eyes slowly opened her eyes. 

"DINNERS READY" he yelled the quickly runs out of the room. Y/n sat up and looked at the door the boy ran out of.

Welp i guess that I should go and eat. Y/n thought sleepily getting up and walking to the door. 

(slay, finally got this one done)

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