Chapter 11- White Chrysanthemums

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(A/n Surprise shawtys!! So i think yall deserve an apology for me not updating. So, sorry. Awhile ago I found out that I hurt a ligament in my right hand, which just so happens to be my dominate hand. I had to start physical therapy, so I couldn't really write for awhile. I hope yall understand. Anyways lets get into it.)


E/c: Eye color

*No ones POV*

"Alright come closer, less talking if you don't mind." The half giant says. "I've got a real treat for you all today, a great lesson, Now fallow me." Hagrid said walking off while the students fallowed behind. "Alright you lot less chattering form a group over there and open your books to page 49..." Hagrid said a with smile.

"Exactly how do we do that.?" The blond Slytherin sneered.  For some reason this made Y/n's blood boil. Not only did this ferret have the audacity to call me a Mudblood, he had no respect for teachers. Y/n thought trying not to loose her mind. 

"Just stroke the spine of course, goodness me.." Hagrid said wondering off. Y/n grabbed her book, she looked at it and shivered slightly. She took her index and middle finger and stroked the spine of the book. As she did this the book let out a noise that she thought sounded like a mix between an iguana and a frog. She opened the book slightly expecting the worse but nothing happened. Y/n hummed in satisfaction, she mindlessly flipped through the book looking for page 49. Only to be broken out of her trance by the shouts/screams from Neville. He was on the floor getting attacked by his book. Y/n set her book down and rushed over to help. She grabbed the back of the book and quickly ran her fingers over the spine of the book, causing the book to go limp and fall right on Neville's face. 

"I-I'm O-ok" Neville said trying to catch his breath taking the book off of his face. Y/n smiled reaching out her hand for Neville, which he gladly excepted. "Thanks." Neville said with a sheepish smile. 

"Anytime," Y/n said, "Anyways see you around." Y/n said rushing back to Harry, Hermione, and Ron just in time to here Hermione talking about the fuzzy book. 

"I think there funny." Hermione said with a straight face. A smile appeared on her face once her eyes met Y/n's. 

"Oh ya terribly funny, Really witty, god this place has gone to the dogs," Draco said with a sneer," Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes. Y/n was at a loss for words. A large amount of emotions filled her body, Sadness, Fear, Pure Unrivaled Homicidal Rage. Y/n didn't know why the blond rubbed her the wrong way but everything about him made her angry. The way he does his hair, the way he carries himself, just everything pissed her off. 

"Shut up Malfoy..." Harry said walking towards him. Malfoy and his goons laughed. Malfoy handed his bag to Crab. Y/n started to walk forward. But her hand was grabbed and she was pulled back by Ron.

"Y/n please just stay calm he wouldn't do it in front of this many people." Ron said in her ear so only she could hear it. She glared at the ginger but nodded. Malfoy walked up to Harry with a sinister look in his eyes, which was soon replaced with fear. He slowly started to back away. 

"Dementor, Dementor..." He yelled. Pointing behind Harry. Harrys head quickly turned to look behind him. Y/n also looked quickly in fear.  Ron quickly put his arm around Y/n's shoulders. The sound of laughter from the Slytherins filled the clearing in the Forest that Hagrid had led them to. Y/n looked back and her E/c eyes met those of Malfoy. A smirk flushed his features, as him and his goons put there hoods over there heads and started to make ghost noises, while Draco maintained eye contact with Y/n. Y/n broke eye contact to look at Harry. To see Hermione pulling him away and leading him towards Y/n and Ron.  

"Are you ok Harry?" Y/n asked, Only getting a nod in return. A loud cough was heard and all heads where turned to Hagrid who now had ferrets strung up on his shoulders. Hagrid now had a big smile on his face. 

"Du da da daaaa" Hagrid said turning and up walked a big creature it had horses legs and a birds head and wings. To Y/n it looked like a griffin gone wrong. But she couldn't help but find it cute.

 "Isn't he Beautiful?" Hagrid said tossing the creature a ferret. "Say Hello to Buckbeak" 

"Hagrid what exactly is that?" Ron said with a slight shake in his voice. 

"That Ron Is a Hippogriff," Hagrid says with that same smile on his face. Y/n nearly jumps in joy when she sees its wings. Y/n loves animals, she wanted to get to look at it more closely. "The first thing that you wanna know about Hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures, very easily offended. You do not want to insult a Hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you ever do," Hagrid took a deep breath and clapped his hands together. "Now who'd like to come and say hello." Hagrid said turning around.  Everyone moved back except for Harry and Y/n. 

"Well done you two, you both live up to Geodic Gryffindor's name. Harry why don't you go first. Y/n you can go after Harry. "

Ron pushed Harry slightly forward. Y/n couldn't contain her excitement. A wide smile was on her face 

"Now you have to have him make the first move, its only polite. So step up give him a nice bow then you wait and see if he bows back and if he does you can go and touch him." Hagrid said with an even larger smile than before.

Y/n was thinking about how fun this class was. But she felt that sinking feeling in her chest that someone was watching her. At first she thought it was just her mind playing tricks on her, but she turned her head slightly and her E/c eyes met the grey eyes of Draco Malfoy. Who was just watching her. She found this odd and quickly looked away. When she looked back Harry was touching Buckbeak, causing Hagrid to clap. 

"Now Y/n do exactly what I told Harry to do." 

Y/n bowed but kept her head slightly raised so she could see if Buckbeak moved. With out bowing Buckbeak moved closer to Y/n. Hagrid looked nervous by this action. Buckbeak got closer to her, almost an arms length away. The bird like creature put its beak close to her hair and sniffed it. Buckbeak slightly backed away and gave Y/n a bow. Y/n slowly got straitened up from her bow and slowly approached Buckbeak, Y/n walked in clear view of Buckbeak to not startle him. She then placed a semi-shaky hand on his back. Y/n looked at Harry with a bright smile. Y/n watched as Hagrid picked Harry up and put him on Buckbeak's back. Y/n was then picked up and put on Buckbeak's back, behind Harry. 

"And you two are off." Hagrid said as he gave Buckbeak a little tap to get him flying.

"Wha-" Y/n said but was cut off by the sudden change of speed. Her arms instinctively found there way around Harrys waist. Harry let out a laugh like he was having the time of his life. But Y/n's eyes where shut. "T-This may be the wrong time to say I don't like heights."  Y/n said, her face berried into Harrys back. 

"Just open your eyes It'll be less scary." Harry said laughing again. 

"Ok I-I'm trusting you." Y/n said lifting her head up and opening her eyes. The sight that she saw was beautiful. "Wow." She said with a smile on her face. But that smile was soon replaced with fear, Because Buckbeak Started to drop altitude really fast. " We're gonna fly right into the lake." Y/n said in fear. But Buckbeak soon leveled out right above the lake. Y/n let out a relived sigh. As she gazed into the lake. Soon where back over the forest were their class was being held. Hagrid whistled sending Buckbeak to land. Harry hoped off first helping Y/n down. Many people where clapping for them. Hagrid was talking to Harry and Y/n when Malfoy walked right up to Buckbeak. Y/n couldn't hear a thing that he was saying, but in a blink off an eye Buckbeak had struck Draco. He was on the ground holding his arm. 

"....Bloody Chicken" He said grumbling almost crying. Y/n snorted. Hagrid picked Draco up and dismissed class. 

(There you go shawtys ILY ALLLL!!)

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