Chapter 8-Chamomile

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(What's up children, So i have some big news. My fucking hallway flooded again, so ya that's happening, Lets get started)

*Y/n's POV*

After the Feast I was bonding with Hermione and Ginny, we where walking with the others to the Gryffindor dorms and common rooms. I was making so many friends already. I couldn't stop myself form smiling. Maybe this place isn't that bad. As soon as that thought crossed my mind my smile dropped. What is wrong with you don't think that? What about your Old friends? My mind shouted, as a tightness in my chest formed. I inhaled sharply, my throat started to close up and my eyes started to water. 

"Hey Y/n What do you think-" Ginny said looking away from Hermione who had said something about how girls should get there own common room, "Are you okay?"

I only nodded, not trusting my voice. Hermione looked like she was about to say something but was quickly interrupted by who i could only assume was a head boy, who looked like an older Weasley. 

"Here we are, now you all go up to your rooms and unpack your things then go strait to bed. If I catch any of you in the common room I will be forced to tell Professor Mcgonagall." The red head said in a semi-robotic way as if he was trying not to scream in anger. 

"Hey Y/n, you can room with us, Lavender can find somewhere else to sleep." Hermione said grabbing my hand. My heart skipped a beat, her hands are so warm and fit so perfectly with mine. As Hermione and I rushed up the stairs Ginny fallowed behind us. Hermione soon stopped me outside of a door. She quickly opened the door to reveal a large room with multiple beds. The room was warm and home like. 

*Third person POV*

Y/n looked in the room somewhat happy about how big it was. Hermione's hand was still interlocked with Y/n's hand, nether of them seemed bothered by it. Ginny seemed very bothered by it. Ginny let out a loud forced cough.

" Lets get unpacked, Then we can stay up a bit longer to talk

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" Lets get unpacked, Then we can stay up a bit longer to talk." Ginny chirped but didn't choose a bed yet. Y/n chose the bed closest to the large window, Ginny chose the one to the left of Y/n, Hermione chose the one to the right of Y/n.

After they unpacked and Y/n met her two other roommates. Vivian, but she goes by Viv, and Halle. Viv was a tall slim girl with chocolate brown eyes to match her soft skin. Halle was shorter and thicker than Viv, her hair was light brown and her eyes where a light grey.

After they unpacked the roommates stayed up and got to know each other more, then they went to bed. Sleep wasn't easy for Y/n, but she soon drifted off.

*Y/n's POV*

That smell, I know it from somewhere, a memory long forgotten. So familiar yet so estranged. Where is it from?

A memory floods my mind. "Please, please, please, let me try it let me try your drink, grandma." A small voice rings in my mind, "Ok, ok but its still hot," Soon the images formed, my grandma younger and happy, She was sitting at a counter holding a mug towards my younger body.


That's what I'm smelling.

A feeling of happiness filled my body. This memory made me feel safe and secure. Damn I miss her. I think as I look into Tammie's worn face. I looked at the room i was in. I miss this damn house.  

Darkness slowly started to flood room. "No. No. NO." I yelled as the memory slowly drifted away, almost as quickly as it came. Darkness again, I was all alone. After a minute or too, a bright green light shot towards me. It got so bright I put my hand in front of my face. 

I shot up from my bed as a cold sweat ran down my face. Y/n sighed and put her head in her hands. Why does this keep happening to me? Why the fuck can't I just sleep without a  nightmare? I thought as i tried to catch my breath. 

"Y/n," a soft voice called from my left. The sweet voice, belonged to Ginny. Ginny got out of her bed and sat on the edge of my bed. 

"What's wrong Y/n" Ginny said with a concerned look on her face. 

"Oh I just had a bad dream, you know the usual," I said with a sigh. 

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Ginny said scooting closer to me. I nodded looking over to the other girls to see if they all where still sleeping. They were. With that I told Ginny all that happened in my dream, but at the end of the story i realized Ginny had fallen asleep. Who she really was tired. I softly tapped Ginny on the shoulder. With out estranging any words I grabbed Ginny's hand and softly pulled Ginny to her own bed. I helped Ginny, who was still half asleep, into her bed. I tucked her in and sat down on my bed slowly drifting back off to sleep. 

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