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     You ran as fast as your 12 year old legs could move, slowly getting more tired. You glanced behind you to see the enforcers still chasing you. All your life you had been taught to do stuff like this, why were you getting so tired now? As you were running, the enforcers were catching up to you more and more, you had to think of something quick.

     "Quick, think, think, think.." You thought to yourself as you ran into an allyway. That didn't stop the enforcers, but it did make them slow down. You were approaching a pile of bricks, they were still a bit away from you, though.

     "That's it." You muttered to yourself, and grabbed the mini grenade you had made out of the junk you had found in the undercity. You pulled the ring off with your teeth, and threw it at the pile of bricks hoping it would finally work. If it did, it wouldn't kill the enforcers, only slow them down a lot, enough for you to escape them. You ran faster as you heard an explosion and the enforcers shouting loudly. You glance behind you to see it worked.

     "Yes!" You shouted, but soon realized you were lost. Usually in situations like this you would climb, but there was nowhere to climb. You looked at the ground and saw an odd grate, as you kneeled down to try and open it quickly. You could hear the enforcers, and just as you slid in you saw them running past the grate not suspecting anything. You went into the trapdoors and other doors, and found yourself somewhere in the undercity again.

     You had run around this place long enough to work your way out. You ran to the place your friend had told you to go to when you were finished. You looked around the corner, then saw him.

     "Ekko! Over here!" You shouted at him, he turned around basically snapping his neck. Ekko, my friend that helped me through my toughest times down here, he was the same age as me. (12)

     "You made it back, I can't believe it.. You are the coolest friend I've ever had.." Ekko said slowly whilst seperating the parts.

     "Isn't it so cool!!" I said practically dancing off the floor. That was until I heard footsteps behind me.

     "What are you kids doing?.." I heard a gruff voice speak from behind us. Benzo. I slowly turned around to face him, and giggled. He looked down at the stuff I had gotten. "Where did you kids get this stuff from?" Benzo asked as if I had commit a crime or something.. well, I mean..

      "Please, just this one time let us keep it! I could finally finish the clock so we could tell time down here again!" Ekko begged as Benzo sighed.

     "Fine, but Vander doesn't hear about this. ANY of it." Benzo said as he walked away. Ekko thanked him, but he just put his hand up.

     "I'm keeping this, though." I quickly said and grabbed the gold wire that had pretty blue specks in it.

     "I have no idea what that is, so I don't care." Ekko said. "Also, I have someone I want you to meet, she's super cool!" 

     "Cooler than meeeee?" I dragged out the me to make it sound like I was hurt, but he responded with maybe.

     We get to a random hut that I've never seen before. I walk in with Ekko as everyone else greets him, but the attention is quickly put on me.

     "Everyone, this is...." He glanced at me before saying my name, as if asking for approval, so I nod. "Ven!" He shouts.

     "Hi! I make stuff. I guess." I say, then a blue haired girls head shoots up and looks at me. She looks about 11. (She is in this story)

     "What kind of stuff kid?" A pink haired girl asks. I was about to answer then just decided to ask something first.

     "I need to know your names first." I say, then giggle. It doesn't take long for everyone to introduce themselves, then I start explaining. "Well, my parents are dead, but my dad was an expirementer, so he always taught me cool things, like how to make bombs, firewor-" Before I could finish, I was cut off by the blue haired girl named Powder.

     "Did you say bombs?.." She asked, her eyes lit up with excitement. I nod and start pulling some out that I've made. The pink haired girl, Vi, starts to panic a little bit, but then sees you have to pull the ring off in order to set it off.

     "Oooooo!! Can I see? Do they work? How do you make them work?" Powder had asked, running up to me, then pulling her hands back, resisting the urge to grab them. I hand one to her because I see she's excited.

     "Can we see how they work?" Vi asked. I nod and run out of the room, them all following me.

     We get to the area and finally stop running, the guys named Mylo and Claggor catching their breath.

     "I actually ran away from a group of enforcers today with this, but it made my white hair all dirty." I say with a slight frown on my face.

     "Wait wait wait.. a group of enf-" Before Vi could finish her sentence I pull the ring out and throw it at an empty wall, and after a second it explodes.

     After getting the smoke out of my face I stand there, Powder next to me, her jaw almost touching the floor.

     "How come I can never get mine to work like that.." She said, clearly upset a little bit. I offer to help her and her face lights up immediately. "Please! Mine always fail.."


Jinx x Reader (Arcane: League of Legends)Where stories live. Discover now