The Mission

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     I keep hugging Ven as I hear someone walk in. I didn't care who it was, I just didn't wanna stop hugging her. I couldn't lose her, not again.

     "Ehem." I hear a familiar voice behind me. Silco. I hurriedly get off of Ven and stand still. "I would appreciate if you two wouldn't become very close, you never know what one might have to do to the other." He says slowly, looking at me, then Ven. What did he mean by that?.. I didn't have to kill her, right? I couldn't.. "Are you two ready to go?" He finishes up speaking, and Ven hums in response. He leaves, but leaves the door open for us.

     "Well, he's not very bright.." I hear her say from behind me. I grin a little, but force it off of my face. "Why'd you stop hugging me, he wouldn't have killed me right?.." She says looking at me. I don't respond, because she might not like the answer. "Jinx.. just answer, not that hard." I feel her hand pull my chin to face her. She does a quick hmm, and waits for her answer. I blush staring into her eyes, but then just answer.

     "Thing is.. Silco is.. protective. Especially over me, for some reason. So, honestly, I'm not sure what he would do to you.. I mean, I don't think he'd kill you, but he might have his guards give you a beating." I say, trying to avoid the killing part, but honestly it was more possible than impossible. 

     I look over and see her going to sit in the spinny chair, and I follow her over silently. As she sits I spin the chair around to make her face me. I decided I'd get back at her for the grenade stunt.


     I sit down in the chair to think since I feel myself going into another panic attack, but just as I sit, the chair spins around and I see Powder leaning over top of me. I feel my face heat up, and out of instinct I put my hand over my gun. I see her glance towards my hand, then she moves it with her own hand, and grabs my gun. She observes it carefully, and one of her braids slip around her arm and rest on me before she starts to speak.

     "You could be my new protector, y'know?" She said in a quiet voice, then puts the gun to my head and winks. "Pew.." She puts the gun on my lap and laughs and puts my hand over it. She then walks off with the box of fireworks. I stare, and only snap out of it when I hear her call my name for me to come on.

     We get to the airship, and I scan my surroundings carefully, trying not to make much noise. I hear the fire lights on the airship, and I look at Powder, who looks like she's gonna enjoy this a little too much. All of a sudden, Powder lets the smoke bomb she made go off, then she starts to climb up there. I hear her say 'Hi', in an innocent voice, then I hear her throw the grenades we made. That's my cue.

     I hop up there, throw the fireworks, and with one swift move I throw my match to light them, as I hear the fizzle sound. Powder, hears it as well, then winks at me. While the fire lights are distracted with the fireworks, I go ahead and put on the gloves I made. They turn on, then glow a light blue.

     Powder uses her weapons to fight off a few of the fire lights, whilst one in particular is about to hit me, then just stops and stares. I don't know why they froze up, I hadn't even hit them yet. I give them a confused expression, and start hitting them. This woke them up. They flipped me, since they were taller and looked more in shape then me, it was easy for them to do so. I was pinned on the ground, then grabbed the behind of their head, moved mine, then smashed theirs against the floor. They didn't move, but they weren't dead. I sighed in relief as I wasn't trying to kill anyone.

     I look over at Powder who seems to be distracted by a pink haired person who resembles.. Vi. 

     "Powder!" I was shouting over and over trying to get her out of it, I see her finally let the poor kid go, then she shot them. I stare at Powder, as a sharp pain fills the side of my head and my vision starts to go blurry.  The last thing I see is Powder running over to me and cupping my face.


     I finally let go and shoot the kid that resembled my sister. I let out a sigh and catch my breath before looking over at Fizzle and smiling, but it wasn't soon before my smile faded. I saw her laying on the ground, and the side of her head bleeding.

     "No, no, no... NO." I was shouting and crying, I couldn't lose her, not again. I don't know why I felt so bad about losing her again. I put my fingers up to her neck and she still had a pulse. I quickly put the emergency parachute on that was on the airship, and brought her down with me. 

     I ran into Silco's office crying and barely even breathing. I was yelling trying to get him to fix her, and he said he'll see what he can do. I followed Silco to the doctor, but I didn't trust him. Shimmer. They were gonna put shimmer in her. I started panicking because she was already tied to the table. I was then sedated and put in a chair. The only thing I could hear before passing out was Fizzle screaming. A single tear ran down my cheek, then I passed out.


     I woke up to a burning pain in me, as the doctor, I assume that's what he was, put a purple liquid in me. I screamed as loud as possible, it hurt so bad. I felt like I was being stabbed multiple times with a burning hot blade. I kept screaming as more purple liquid went into me, then I realized. Shimmer.. I would've fought back, but the pain the shimmer was causing me was so unbearable the only thing I could do was scream.

Jinx x Reader (Arcane: League of Legends)Where stories live. Discover now