Huggy x Study reader

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You walked back into the factory to check up on someone. Although, you were scared of this wierd monstrosity of a doll that tried to kill you once. But you eventually founded him as just a little statue that just wanted to play with you since the factory run down for years and felt forgotten.

The poor dude just wanted a friend. Though you sadly wanted to study for art class for collage since you really wanna get into being a designer and your roommate is always interrupting your focus by bringing their friends and talk, talk, talk.

The only place you could think of is this factory, perfect silence where no one is around but just Huggy. Entering as you walked into the display room and looked up smiling at the statue.

Sitting down on the floor leaning against the wall, flipping through pages and getting stuff out of your bag. Hearing a loud chirp making you jump as the statue sprung to life happily and crawling on the floor licking your cheek, Blushing as you wiped the smile off and laughed. " Hey man, sorry I need to study for my test can you wait a little longer?." You frowned as he letted out a huge huff and curled into a ball tapping the floor in a rubber hose like movement.

Flipping to page fourty-two, reading carefully trying to sketch a hand. The hand part you couldn't take in this class, the joints felt useless making it confusing. But if you wanna achieve it, you just got to learn it. Drawing a hand holding a red flower with a cat like bee with ears and a tail on it, you looked up and smiled seeing Huggy curious about what you were drawing.

Petting him as he nuzzled your small hand while your other one carefully tries to get the fingers perfectly lined. Huggy took the pencil from your hand and climbed onto the playtime co sign. The giant yellow and blue picture that was held by fabric ropes that held it up. Letting out a chuckle as you looked up at him placing your book carefully on the floor. Walking up to him, trying not to let your anger out on him telling yourself that he's just being playful.

" Hey hugs?. Can I have it back please?" You sighed as he tossed it in the air, biting down on it as you jumped. thankfully he didn't break it since some of his teeth are broken, making you feel bad a bit about who did this to him and why they made him into a monster?.

Huggy looked down at you, climbing down handing you your pencil in his mouth. Taking it from him slowly, petting him and thanking him for giving it back. "Alright hugs, just give me a few minutes and we can play alright?" You smiled as he letted out a churr happily and nuzzled you.


Flipping through the last page as you did your shadings and looked at the finnished piece. It wasn't that bad, it was better than the last one thankfully. Placing your things in the bag, getting ready for it to be graded tomorrow as you looked at Huggy that was sleeping comfortably. He didn't had eyelids and always wondered how dose he not even see you when he's asleep?.

Crawling up to him as you tapped his shoulder and watched him moved slightly waking up to see you. " Hey buddy, I'm done" you smiled at him as he got up, wrapping his arms around you for a big hug. Purring happily as you hugged him back, feeling him vibrate your skin.

Pulling you away as he slithered himself back happily and ran into another room. You know this game, he wanted to play tag. He really loves this game for some odd reason, but guess that's his favorite game. You fixed your shoes quickly and chased him into the theater as you walked into the colorful darkened dusty hallway.

Watching him slithered into a room as you followed carefully going down a few steps as you looked at the giant grey lifeless screen Infront of you. Looking around to see where he went as you circled around, hearing a goofy giggle only to look up. He was on the ceiling, not sure how he was able to reach up there.

Watching him drop down landing on his feet as you ran quickly up the steps. You were trying to catch your breath, not knowing how he's not exhausted yet from all this running. Finnaly catching up to him and tripped touching his soft arm, falling face first on the hard tile floor.

Chirping happily, but stilled watching you trying to pick yourself up. Feeling him wrapping you in it's arms looking at you making sure you're ok. Rubbing your head as you had red crimson on it, felling Huggy wrapping you in tightly licking the blood off of you.

Petting him as you smiled faintly, knowing this guy has a thing for blood hoping he wouldn't get too attracted to it. But thankfully was able to control himself when he licks it.

" I'm gonna g-" holding you in tighter as he held you in his arms bringing you back into the display room and placed you on the middle of the display stage. Curling into a ball nuzzling you making sure your ok and held your hand, looking into his plastic eyes as his gaze wrote a sad poem.

" I'm ok...thank you though" you smiled at him as he nuzzled you getting a small speck of blood on his fur. Closing your eyes heavily as you smiled, getting closer to him burying yourself in his warm soft fur resisting to let go. Falling as your eyes grew heavy causing you to blink softly.

" Goodnight hugs."

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