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Author's POV
Vash hid his eyes behind a book, but he was staring at a girl he'd seen in this café for years.

He always admired her. Her smile, her eyes, her beautiful voice... if only he had the guts to ask her out.

He doesn't know much about her. But he did know her first name: Emma.

Her short blonde hair with a green ribbon bounced as she walked to get her order.

As she received it, she quickly realized how full the café was. There was only one place to sit.

It was next to Vash. So, she sat there. "Good morning. Do you mind if I sit here? The café is full, so I have nowhere else to go.

Vash nodded. "Sure. What's your name?" He asked. "Emma." She replied.

"That's a nice name," Vash said. "I've seen you come here for a while. You like this café?" He asked.

She smiled. "Yes! I see you go here often too. I think maybe we could have a good friendship."

"Does it have to be just that?" Vash asked, looking down at the ground, clearly embarrassed. He knew he was making a giant fool of himself.

Emma giggled. "Oh, Vash! You do like to go quick." Vash let out a sigh of relief. He finally didn't seem weird while flirting for once.

The last time he tried to flirt, it was with a girl he took out to his high school prom. Seems easy enough, right?

He got slapped in the face. Sometimes, he still feels the pain from where she slapped him.

And that was seven years ago.

"Last time I tried to flirt with someone I got slapped, so it's great that I didn't get rejected this time, y'know?" Vash said.

"I also have bad luck with love. I guess we're meant to be! Two unlucky lovers." Emma replied.

Vash laughed. "Anyway, you have any siblings?" He asked. "Maybe they might be the reason you have trouble. Mine is one reason for me."

"Yes! I have two brothers. What about you?" Emma replied. "I have a sister, but I might have more. They've been called my cousins all my life, but there's evidence to prove that we might biologically be siblings..." Vash said.

Emma's eyes widened. "Wow! Well, how's your relationship with them?" Vash sighed. "Rough. The only good relationship I have with apparent siblings is with Lilli. And I know she's my sister."

"Really? How long have you known her?" Emma asked.

"My entire life.  One day, my mom just came home one day with a baby, and I thought she'd given birth, but turns out she'd adopted her. Just like she adopted me. We never knew our biological parents though." Vash said.

"They died, I assume?" Emma's eyes become saddened. Vash sighed.

"Yea. Dad was an alcoholic, mom was too. They never wanted kids, but somehow had five. They all went up for adoption. That's what I've been told. They died... I think it was from alcohol poisoning. I've been told car crashes, drug overdose, lung problems... I don't know how they died. But my money's on alcohol poisoning."

"That's tragic," Emma said. As Vash put his hand on the table, Emma put her hand on top of his, a silent reminder of... love?

"Maybe we should hang out more? I think we have potential." She suggested. Vash looked down at her. "I don't see why not."


"Took you long enough to get a coffee. What else did you do? Climb Mount Everest?" Roderich asked as Vash walked into the house.

Roderich always got on Vash's last nerve. Vash insulted Roderich at least once a day.

"I don't know, maybe I was finally working on my love life?" Vash replied. Roderich did that "Ooo!" Thing 12-year olds do when they ship people.

"Will you shut up?!" Vash yelled. "Be quiet! You're gonna startle Lilli! You know she doesn't like loud noises." Roderich exclaimed.

"Get off my back, Roderich. You're a failure anyway." Vash said. "You're not much different! Not one of us was planned, so no advantages!" Roderich yelled

Vash looked into his rage-filled eyes. He wanted to strangle him sometimes. But he couldn't. They were still related, after all.

Vash was about to yell when Ludwig came through the door with Gilbert. "The test results are in." He said.

In Ludwig's hands was an envelope, with a document inside.

The document to prove if they were siblings or not.

"Get everyone in the kitchen. It's urgent." Ludwig said. Vash called Lilli downstairs to the kitchen.

The family sat at the table as Ludwig broke the news. "I and Gilbert read the documents. There were so many tests and a lot of genealogy involved. But, the results are in."

"What does the document say?" Vash asked. Ludwig sighed as he pulled out the papers.

"We are 100% biological siblings." He said. The whole room was silent with shock.

Ludwig continued. "From what I've learned, and most likely you guys too, our parent's relationship wasn't very pretty. Drugs, alcohol... And that's not it. It makes me sick thinking about it."

"Maybe it's best if we discuss this without you, Lilli," Ludwig said. Lilli nodded and went back up to her room.

"As I was saying... Cause of death was a combination of a drug overdose for Dad, alcohol poisoning for Mom." He said.

As Ludwig went on, the entire table was speechless. Their relationship...

In a dictionary, a picture of them together should be right next to the word toxic.

It was no wonder that they put all of them up for adoption when each of them was born. They could never have provided for them properly.


After, Vash went back upstairs. As he passed by Lilli's room, he heard crying. He peeked his head in to see what was happening.

There was Lilli, who sat on the floor, crying. "Lilli?! Is everything okay?!" Vash frantically asked.

Lilli broke her sobbing to talk to Vash. "No. I'm sorry, but I decided to eavesdrop on the conversation because I was curious..."

Vash's expression was one of pure shock. "Did you know what all of the words we said meant?" He asked.

Lilli continued crying. "Yes. I'm so sorry..." Vash had no words. All he could do was hug her.

"Lilli, next time we ask you to leave because we don't think you can handle the conversation, please don't listen in either. We're asking you to leave for your own good." Vash said.

Lilli nodded. They sat there, hugging for a bit. Vash couldn't imagine the pain going through her mind right then.

If only Vash could have made what happened never happen...

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