
3.7K 167 77

Incoming call from Unknown number. . .

Accept | Decline

Call Connected.

"Hello? Who the fuck are you—"

"Hi, Sana. Good evening."

"You again?! No, stop this."

"Wait, Sana!!!—"

Call Disconnected.

Incoming call from Unknown number. . .

Accept | Decline

Incoming call from Unknown number. . .

Accept | Decline

Incoming call from Unknown number. . .

Accept | Decline

Call Connected.

"Okay. What the fuck do you want and do you keep calling me?!"

"I mean no harm, Sana. I promise."


"Can you look at your balcony for me? I must say that your mansion is so huge and elegant."

"What the fuck?! How did you know my address?"

"Like what I said, I mean no harm. I just wanted to know where you live so I could make it up to you."

"Make it up to me? For what?"

"For. . . for what we did on that club."

". . ."

"I know you hate me and all but. . . I just want to make it up to you. We’re both drunk and I was completely clueless, but I just want you to know that I am sincerely apologizing to you."

"Tell that to all the bullshit that you did to me in the past three months, asshole."

". . ."

"All the messages, calls, unsolicited pictures, and that yacht?! Do you think that I could easily forget about those?"

"It’s because I never knew what happened to us on that club."


"I know I’ve been an asshole, okay? All those nasty and dirty things that I’ve told you, I mean it. . ."

". . ."

". . . Because I just wanted to get close to you."

". . ."

"But when I’ve learned about what happened to us on that club, I realized how much of an idiot I am."

". . ."

"Can you come out of your balcony, please? You don’t have to go down here, I just want you to see how sincere I am."

"And what? Give me a fucking luxury car as payment for what you did to me?!"



"You. . . you look beautiful, Sana."


"So, are you accepting my apology?"

". . ."

"Hey, don’t give me that look. I’m legit getting scared now. Hahaha."

"You better be scared of me and what I can do to you, Chou Tzuyu."


"What the fuck are you doing?! Why are you kneeling down?"

"I’m sorry, Sana."

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?? GET UP!!! ARE YOU CRAZY?!???!?"

"I won’t stand up until you accept my apology."

"What if I don’t want to?!"

"Please, just give me a chance to prove myself. I want to be your friend."

"Wow. So that’s why you want to join our group?!"

"Not really. I also find your group fun to have around, actually."


"Please, Sana. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry."

". . ."

"I’m sorry."

"Fine. Get up, forgiven."

"Oh my gosh. Thank you, Sana!!!"

"What the fuck?! Stop jumping around, jerk."

"Okay, okay. I’ll stop."

". . ."

"So, are we friends now?"

". . ."

"Are we friends now, Miss Minatozaki Sana?"

"Yeah. Fine."

"Thank you—"

Call Disconnected.

"—nevermind. What matters is that she accepted my apology. I feel bad for what happened that night."

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