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Son Chaeyoung
11:12 pm.

Mina: Hi, Son Chaeyoung. ☺

Mina: Nice luxury bag, it looks great in a trash bin. ☺

Chaeyoung: You threw away the luxury bag that I delivered to your house?!

Mina: Of course, it looks good there. Just a little decoration for my trash bin. ☺

Chaeyoung: But I spent a million dollars on that bag!!!!!

Mina: And I can spend double than that. ☺

Mina: You motherfucker. You’re so pathetic.

Mina: Why can’t you just get the fuck out of my life?

Chaeyoung: Because I like you, okay?

Mina: So you always send a video of you masturbating to all the girls you’ve liked before?

Mina: Gosh, you’re so pathetic.

Chaeyoung: Mina, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for doing that. I was drunk, okay????

Mina: Drunk my ass.

Mina: Stop making excuses for your trash behavior, Son Chaeyoung.

Mina: I’m going to expose you to the public tomorrow, and it’ll be over for you and the SMC idiots.

Mina: Don’t worry, your masturbation video won’t be exposed since I’m not a pathetic bitch and respect your privacy even if you’re a total asshole. I just want the public to know how you’re treating us.

Mina: This is too much, Chaeyoung.

Mina: And you know what? I’ve got the upper hand here since I’m relevant and the media will believe everything I say.

Mina: I won’t tell them false information either way, ’cause it’s true that the SMC are assholes.

Mina: Say goodbye to your goodie-boy image, stupid Son Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung: What??? No!!!!

Chaeyoung: Mina, please don’t do that!!!!!

Chaeyoung: I’ll change myself, okay???? Give me a chance please

Chaeyoung: Just give me a chance and I won’t be an asshole anymore

Chaeyoung: I promise.

Mina: Fuck you.

Chaeyoung: Please, Mina.

Chaeyoung: Please.

Mina: Fine.

Mina: This is your second chance, Chaeyoung. This is the SMC’s second chance.

Mina: I’ll ruin the SMC’s image once you’ll be an asshole again.

Mina: I will do anything just to keep your dirty hands away from us.

Mina logged out.

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