Chapter 2

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"I do not condone this!"

Philips voice bellowed throughout the palace, hysteria coating his tone.

Henry crossed his arms, jutting out his chin defiantly "Did you expect us to break up?"

"I'd hoped" Philip admitted, no shame in speaking his true feeling "but getting married is beyond outrageous, especially considering your current position"

Alex couldn't help but detest Philip.

Alex had proposed to Henry months before the queen had died. They decided to not tell people for a while, content in enjoying the engaged life in the privacy of a small villa in Greece.

It certainly wasn't their fault that Philip had chickened out of being king and pushed the responsibility onto Henry.

And now he was blaming them for it.

Acting like he was a saint who could do no wrong.

"You are unbelievable!" Henry shouted, cheeks tinted red in obvious rage.

"I'm so sorry that I don't fit into your perfect world but it time you take the stick that's obviously jammed up your arse and smack some sense into that thick head of yours!"

With that Henry had grabbed Alex's arm and dragged him out of the dining room, leaving a gawping Philip and cackling Bea in their wake.

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