Chapter Nine

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Kaden's mouth pressed against Aloura's as soon her words died out in the air. His lips moving hungrily against hers, and she too lost in her hazy mind to process his actions. Why had she felt like she was lying promising nothing would ever happen? Every time she had seen him they had argued. Kayden pulled away for a moment and looked down at the girl lost in her thoughts. "Kiss me back Aloura" he whispered to her, his breath fanning her lips. She blinked for a moment and looked up at him. "Kiss me back" he repeated.

Aloura wordlessly pressed her lips onto Kaden's, standing on her tip toes to do so. Kaden smiled into the kiss, and Aloura could practically taste the saltiness of his now dry tears in the corners off his lips. Kaden's rested his hand on Aloura's right cheek before desperately speeding up his movements. Almost like he was fearful the girl before him would vanish into thin air, or worse, change her mind. At least in his mind that was worse.

Aloura pulled away and gasped for air, but Kaden instantaneously pressed his lips back onto hers. Taking her ajar mouth as an invitation. His tongue slipped in between the slit of her lips and wrestled with Aloura's hungrily. He moved his left hand to the breathless girl's hip and pulled her into him, and Aloura feigned a moan into his mouth. Kaden removed his right hand from her face and dropped it to the hem of her shirt, pushing his cold hands under the fabric and through the restriction of her bra, but not unclipping it off.

He fondles her breasts firmly as his lips leave her mouth and press onto her collar bone, sucking her soft skin. Aloura forces out another moan, and he hurriedly repeats what he just did, in hopes of more pleasure stricken sounds to slip through the girls lips But his touch didn't pleasure or send butterflies to Aloura's stomach, it sent a chill down her spine, and the feeling of his lips against her's sent bile up her throat.

This kiss was nothing like their first kiss, this one wasn't sweet. This was desperate, drunken. you don't kiss a girlfriend like that Aloura thought, maybe a one night stand or a stranger. Maybe that's all she was to him now. A quick pit stop fuck when he was away from college. Kaden placed his lips back onto Aloura's, and his hands at the back of Aloura's thighs and lifted her up, before walking towards his bedroom.

He dropped Aloura onto the bed, and a small shriek left her lips as bounced on impact. Kaden hurriedly slipped his shirt off., and Aloura parted her thighs to make way for Kaden. He leaned down between them, pressing his lips into her mouth for a second, before pulling away. He moved his lips to her jaw before prepping kisses down her face, and onto her neck. His fingers found the buttons of her shirt and fumbled with them. He briskly went to pull it off her body, before her hand caught his wrist. "Can we keep them on?" she didn't want Kaden to see her bruised body, but parts of her knew she no longer wanted him to see her body at all.

"Why?" he breathlessly questioned, showing no form of halting the unbuttoning of her shirt.

"Kaden please" she squirmed desperately, shifting beneath him in an attempt to show how serious her request was. Kaden dropped her shirt and looked down at her with knitted eyebrows, silently questioning what had gotten into her. When Aloura offered him no explanation, he sighed but complied, instead unbuckling his own jeans as she pulled off her tights.

Their lips found each other's again, and Kaden's hand pulled down his boxers as he positioned himself between Aloura. He grasped out his dick and turned to the girl who watched him with distant eyes. He jerked it off a couple of times as he watched Aloura, it was hard and angry in his hands as he spread his pre cum down his shaft before pulling a condom out his nightstand and slipping it on. Aloura closed her eyes as he positioned himself in Aloura's entrance, and with no warning he pressed himself deeper and deeper into her.

Aloura couldn't help the sadness that grew inside her, how was she so physically close to Kaden, but felt like there were miles between them. Even the sex wasn't the same.

The first time they'd fucked, he was gentle. His hands traced her body again and again. Almost like he was fearful of forgetting it. So, he'd repeated it to engrave the feeling in his memory. So, his hands felt full even when Aloura wasn't in them. He kissed her slowly that night, told her he loved her. Asked if she still wanted this- whatever this was. But this time as he slides in and out of her, his hands explore her body. Grabbing pieces and holding other repetitively- kneading Aloura's body into the silhouette he wished to fuck, a shape he'd become familiar with at college.

His hands looked for pieces of Aloura that didn't exist. "Fuck" he groaned, increasing the speed and space between them. The sound of Aloura's wetness filled the room as Kaden's balls repetitively hit her sex.

Kaden traced another's body onto Aloura's skin, a mould of another he wished the girl beneath him could fill. "Fuck, Amriss-" he groaned, his hands gripping Aloura's hips in place. Not pausing as he caught his words. "Aloura I'm so-"

Aloura's mouth felt dry, and her throat constricted. She watched Kaden as he continued to rock in and out of her as he mumbled out a string of apologies. "Just hurry up" Aloura cut him off sadly, she placed her hands on her face as Kaden watched her with wide eyes. he didn't have to be told twice, he'd quickly finished and rolled off Aloura.

"Did you finish?"

No. "Yes."

Kaden nodded and slid the used condom off, before typing it and throwing it into the bin by his desk. Aloura sat up, tear stains littered her cheeks. She watched as Kaden cleaned himself, too ashamed to spare Aloura a glance. She wondered what parts of Amriss he saw in her.

If he loved the parts of her that didn't remind him of Amriss.

"Babe-" Kaden turned to her.

"I have work." She didn't. Kaden knew she didn't, but he didn't press her.

Aloura cursed herself for not stopping him the moment his lips parted for whoever this Amriss chick was, but she wanted him in any way she could have him. Watching him moan another's name was more comfortable under him than away from him, anyway.

So, she sold herself short again, and took what he gave. 

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